I didn't know

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Danny ran to Jessica as soon as she hit the ground.
"Jessica! Call someone!" He shouts.

Nurses came in and took her to a room.
Jessica was out for a while, giving Danny time to call around trying to find any information on his daughter.

Once Jessica started to wake up, Danny held her hands as the boys watched.

Jessica squeezed his hand as she cried.

"Danny, my baby!  I have to get to her!"

"We're going.  We just have to make sure you're okay first."

"I'm fine!  I just need to go!  I need to see her and know she's okay." Jessica sobs.

"I was going crazy so I called her agent.
He was in contact with a group of friends she's been hanging out with.  Apparently in the past week she's just gotten way out of hand."

"Is she alive, Danny?"

"Yes! They gave her Narcan and it reverses an overdose.. Something like that, my head was spinning.  She's awake and she wants you. She won't talk to anyone."

"Oh Danny.. our baby!"

"I know. I hate thinking of her—" Danny shakes his head and stands up as tears fill his eyes.

"Come here." Jessica holds her arms out.

"Noh, let's give them some privacy." Isaiah whispers.

The two then leave without their parents realizing.

"She'll be okay. I just thank God that someone was there to help her."

"Oh God, I know! I don't even want to think about what would have happened."

Danny kisses her cheek then sits beside her on the bed.

Jessica sniffles and places her hand on his as she looks into his eyes. "I need to go alone, you need to stay here with Gabby."

Danny sighs and rubs his head.
"I don't now what to do. Both girls need us and, I don't want you going alone."

"I'm fine, I just fainted!"

"Jessica." Danny sighs.

"What do we do?"

"I'll stay with Gabby, and you go with George."

"I'll take one of the twins."

"You sure?"

"Yeah.. get me a flight, please. I have to use the bathroom."

"Take it easy, babe."

"I'm fine, would you let me piss? Jesus!"

Danny sighs and starts dialing.


"Bye bye, sissy." Emerson hugs his sister.
"I see you soon."

"Mishu, bwuder. Love you!"

"I love you too, Wiwow!"

"Dad, please go with mom, I'm fine."

"Gabby, both of you need a parent right now.
We wish we could be with the both of you, but we're doing the best we can. Just please don't stress.
uncle George is going with your mother and I'll fly out later."

Jessica then walks between Danny and her daughter.
She hugs her tightly as she cries and says, "I'm so sorry! I will call you, okay? Stay strong, baby girl."

Gabriella nods. "I will, momma.. I love you."

"I love you too."


Jessica was a mess during the flight.
She was very thankful for George, who kept Emerson entertained the entire flight.

When arriving at the hospital Jessica hurried to her room.

"Emerson, stay with uncle George, okay? Mommy's gonna go see sissy."


"Come on, uncle George!" Emerson takes him by the hand. "I'll show you the big snack machines hostables have."

"Heh! Lead the way, buddy!"

Jessica took a deep breath before walking into Anastasia's room.
Her stomach was in knots. She knew Anastasia wouldn't be herself, and she just wanted to stay strong for her.

Jessica opened the door and walked over to her daughter.


"Baby girl. It's okay, you're okay. You're okay!"
Jessica rocked her gently in her arms.

"I.. I didn't think I over did it. I just.."

"Shh, it's okay. It's okay, we don't have to talk right now. Just stay calm."

Anastasia sniffled and laid all of her weight on her mother.

"I just thank God you and your sister are okay.
We are going to get you two into the best rehabilitation centers. It's all going to be okay."

Anastasia then begins sobbing all over again.

"It's okay. Breathe. Breathe, it's okay, baby.. mommy's here. You're in my arms and you are Here! It's okay!" Jessica says with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I just.. I.... I'm horrible person, mom."

"No! No, Anastasia, you are not a horrible person.
You are an amazing young women who.. who left the nest way too soon." Jessica says as she realizes the problem.

"Oh my gosh.. I should have never done this."


"You wanted to be an actress. You worked your butt off, taking college classes in high school, graduating early and going to college when you were A Baby!  You just grew up way too fast and I.. I thought that was amazing!  But.. but I shouldn't have let you grow up so quickly.  I should have done more for you!"

"Mom, don't blame yourself. I wanted all of that, and you and dad supported my dream! Please don't blame yourself."

"You were drinking at the age of eighteen, Anastasia.. you're barely going to be twenty one next month! You are a Baby! I should have taken you home kicking and screaming!
You're my child!  This is not your fault.  It's mine."

"No. Please don't think that."

Jessica sighs and continues rocking her.

".. What I meant before when I said I was a bad person.." Anastasia says as her voice shakes.

"Was because.. two weeks ago I kicked Ashton out."

"Did he do something to you?  Did he hurt you?!"

"No!  No.. I just.. I honestly don't know why I did it.
I just.. I didn't feel like myself at all and, I wanted him out. I feel so bad, mom!"

"Honey, it's okay. Ashton loves you. All you have to do is say you're sorry and that you were going through a tough time."

"No. No, he's gonna hate me. He's going to fucking HATE ME!" Anastasia cries.

"No! Why would he hate you?"

"Because I did this! He helped me so much!
He's.. he's incredible, mom!  He's the best thing that has ever happened to me....  And because I felt crazy, I went back to my old ways.. only this time it was so much worse.
.. Oh GOD IT WAS WORSE!" Anastasia screams.

"Baby girl.. Oh my heart hurts so much for you!"

"I didn't know, Mommy. I promise I didn't know!" Anastasia shouts as tears roll down her cheeks.

"What didn't you know?"

Anastasia let's a sob escape her lips.

"Tell me, honey." Jessica rubs her back.

"I'm pregnant."

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now