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"My little body is clean, I've got my pj's on.  Let's have some puppies!"

"Willow, she's still in labor, honey. It's going to be a long time before the puppies come out. Remember how long it took me to have the triplets?"

"That took days!" Willow raises her voice.

"Exactly! So go to sleep, and I'll wake you up when it's puppy time."

"I want to see them coming out!" Willow says with a pout.

"I know baby, that's why I'm gonna wake you up when it's pushing time." Jessica smiles.

Willow smiles and wraps her arms around her mother's neck.
"Okay. You can tuck me in now, mommy."

"Alright, sounds good, pretty princess." Jessica kisses her cheek.


3:00 am.
Jessica laid on the ground beside Momo.  Momo cuddled up to Jessica and laid her head on her stomach.

"My poor baby.  It's tough being a mommy, huh?" Jessica rubs her head.

"I didn't think things would go this slow." Anastasia says.

"Yeah.  Baby, go to sleep.  You need your rest.  Daddy and I will stay up and make sure she's okay."

"Alright.  Well call me if anything exciting happens."

"We will." Jessica smiles.

Anastasia then walks over to her father and gives him a hug and a kiss.
"Goodnight, daddy."

"Goodnight, princess.. Goodnight little princess." Danny pokes her belly making her chuckle.
"Night, momma."

"Night night, baby girl."

"Goodnight, Momo!  Good luck!"

Momo panted as she looked up to Anastasia with exhaustion in her sweet eyes.


One hour later.
Jessica has now fallen asleep on Danny.  Both were on the couch watching a movie when total exhaustion sunk in.

"Babe.. Babe.. Babe!" Danny lightly shakes Jessica.

"Jessica!" Danny whispers loudly.

"Whaaaat?" Jessica groans.

"You wanna have sex?"

"What the hell?  No I do not!" Jessica makes a face before pushing herself off of him and laying on the other side of the couch.

"Sorry, just thought I'd offer."

"Well thank, but no thanks.  Have you checked her temperature?"

"No.  I haven't done anything."

Jessica sighs and gets up to tend to Momo.


7:00 am.

"ARE THE PUPPIES HERE?!  ARE THE PUPPIES HERE?!  DID I MISS IT?!" Willow runs in screaming, scaring and waking both Danny and Jessica.

"What's wrong?!" Danny jumps up.

"The puppies!  Oh No!  They're still stuck in her!"

"What time is it?" Jessica mumbles.

"Morning time!"

Jessica yawns and Willow backs away.
"You need to go wash yourself, mommy!"

"Oh!" Jessica makes a face and taps her on the butt.
"I'll be back, I'm gonna go take a shower."

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now