Leaving the house

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May 31st.

"Look, I got a mask!  I got a mask, sissy!" Willow shows Anastasia.

"Wow!  Cool, Lolo!"

"Now I can go to the store with mommy and be safe!"

"That's awesome, chunk!"

"Yep!  Emmy's got one too!  Me, him, mommy, and daddy are gonna leave the house!" Willow grabs her cheeks. "Isn't that so cool?!"

"Leaving the house is a big deal these days, so Yes!  That's awesome!"

"Yep!  I'm so excited, I can't wait!"

Anastasia giggles and finishes dressing Annabelle.

Anastasia giggles and finishes dressing Annabelle

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"Sissy, Annabelle looks so cute!"

"She does, doesn't she?  We were just sunbathing." Anastasia giggles.

"Aww.. Ana?"

"Yes, sweets?"

"Are you and Ashtonnn.."

"What?" Anastasia chuckles.

"Do you guys have sex?"


"Well!  I was just asking!  You guys just fwiends?" Willow asked in her adorable little baby voice.

"Yes, Willow."

"Well.. You can still have sex."

"Thanks, Lo."

"Excuse me, little girl?"

"Uh oh!  Mommy's listening to us!"

"Why are you talking about that?"

"I was just asking sissy if her and Ashton have sex."

"Wil.. Do you?" Jessica turns to Anastasia.



"It's none of your business!"

"That means yes." Jessica smiles at Willow.

"Yep!" Willow giggles.

"Just make sure you don't make anymore babies.  As much as Gammy loves her little chunk, I can definitely wait a while longer for the next one!" Jessica baby talks as she lifts Annabelle.

"Oh my goodness, why are you so cute?  Huh?  Why are you so damn cute?"

"Mommy, I'm so damn cute too!" Willow smiles.

"Oh I know you are, beautiful baby!  Now no more cussing, little girl!"

"Kay!  Can I say stupid?"


"Can I say fucking bitch ass?"

"NO!  Willow Alexandra!"

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now