Stay out of my life

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It's been one week and Anastasia has not spoken a single word to her mother.

"Danny, I hate this.  I've never gone so long not speaking to my own child."

"I know, honey.  But it isn't like you haven't tried.  She's just stubborn."

"I just want my sweet baby back."

"I know.. but to be fair, baby, she's never really been sweet."

"Danny, please just stop. I've had it. I'm going up to her room right now and she's going to speak to me!"

Jessica marches up to her room and knocks on her door.

"Anastasia, let me in!"

"Mom, please go away."

"You have five seconds to open the door before I send your daddy up here to remove it completely.

Anastasia opens the door and gives her mother a mean look.


"Baby girl.. I miss you." Jessica says reaching her hand towards her cheek.

Anastasia quickly moves away and says, "I don't want you in here. You embarrassed me, mother."

"Mother? Well I'm sorry! But Anastasia, you're just-"

"I am not a baby. I am a grown woman, and I do not appreciate you budding into my personal life. Just worry about dad and the twins, and stay out of my life!"

Jessica couldn't believe what her daughter was saying. Hearing these things broke her heart.

Before Jessica could respond, Anastasia slammed the door in her face.

Danny walked upstairs after hearing the door slam.

"Jess? Jessie?"

Danny didn't see her so he checked in their bedroom. There he found Jessica sitting on the bed in tears.

"Honey, what happened?"

"She hates me!" Jessica sobs.

"What did she say?"

Jessica explained what happened and that only made her cry even more.

"Danny, I'm only trying to help her.. I love her. I love her so much.. why is she so hateful?"

Danny wraps his arms around her and Jessica lays her head on his chest.

"Baby, she's a teenager. Teenagers are assholes. Just ignore her. She'll thank you one day."

"She really hurt my feelings, Danny!"

"I know, honey.. I'm sorry."

Danny softly rubbed her back as she cried.

A little while later the twins ran in.

"Mama, Lo Lo want Num Nums." Emerson says.

"Lo, I thought we agreed on no more Num Nums."

"Buh mama, me want them.. me want Num Nums." Willow gives Jessica a cute little pout.

"Aw.. come here, cutie." Jessica picks her up.

"Mama, I no hungwy. I jus cuddle?" Emerson asks, lifting his little hands and tilting his head to the side.

"Of course, baby boy. Mama always has time for cuddles."

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now