What is that?

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"Jessica, are you having any cramping?" Emily asks.

"No.  I haven't had any pain at all."

"That's good!  Do you mind?" She asks slightly pinching the fabric of her blouse.

"No, of course not!  Go ahead." Jessica lifts her shirt.

"Does this hurt?" She asks pressing into her stomach.

"It's a little sore."

"Okay.." Emily then looks at Isaiah.

"Mom, was the bleeding heavy?" He asks.


"I really think the babies are fine."

"What do you think the bleeding is?"

"Well it could be the sudden stretching of your uterus, or.." Isaiah breathes deeply. "I'm only asking because these are my children in there.. did you have sex today?"

"No! I didn't."

"Nah, I didn't pound it today." Danny says.

"Daniel." Jessica makes a face.


"It's okay, just relax. We're almost there." Isaiah says looking out the window.


After arriving at the emergency room they took her back.
A nurse came in immediately to start the ultrasound.

"Are they okay?" Jessica asks.

"Let's see.. there's a heartbeat.. and there's another heartbeat!" She smiles.

"Oh Thank God!" Jessica takes a sigh of relief.

"Thank you Jesus!" Emily cries tears of happiness.

The nurse then continued to scan around her stomach.

"What is that?" Jessica asks.

Isaiah and Emily look at each other with wide eyes.
Danny steps closer and his jaw drops.

"What's going on, you guys?" Jessica asks.

"Oh!" Danny laughs. "Oh this is funny!"

"What is it?!" She asks once again.

"Mrs. Huston, there are three babies! You're having triplets."

"No." Jessica says in a soft voice.

"Yes you are!" She laughs.

"No. No I'm not!" She was beginning to panic.

"Momma, there are three babies in there!"

Jessica had absolutely no emotion. She didn't know how to feel.

"Isaiah.. I'm gonna kill you." Jessica spoke in a low voice.

"Aw! I'm sorry, momma!" He laughs and pats her shoulder.

"So you see here?" The nurse points to the screen. "This is baby baby A.  Baby A has it's own sac, and baby B and C are the twins.  They share a sac so they'll be the same gender."

"This is so crazy.  Baby A, B and C!  What the fuck?" Jessica says looking like she could pass out.

"Oh my gosh.. I'm gonna have three babies! Holy shit, if I smoked I'd need a cigarette right about now." Isaiah says running his hands through his hair.

"Hell me too!" Jessica says.

"We're having triplets!" Emily shouts.

"I'm guessing no home birth, Jess?" Danny asks.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now