You look fat

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"I'm pregnant."

"With what?!" Danny's eyes were so wide.


"I thought you were just going to brunch!  How'd you get a baby?"

"I haven't been feeling well but I didn't think I was pregnant.. I thought the cancer was back and.. I was wrong."

"Jessica, are you sure?"

"Yeah.  We can't say anything yet.  I made an appointment with my doctor on Wednesday.  I don't know how far along I am.. I just know that it's in there."

"How did.. how did..
I just don't understand how this happened."

Jessica sits down on the couch and says, "I'm thinking Gran Canaria and one too many mojitos on the beach.. Now it's rockabye baby!" Jessica shuts her eyes and slightly rocks back and forth.

Danny nods his head and is still not blinking.

"What are we gonna do about it?"


"Are you gonna.. are you gonna have it?"

"What kind of a question is that!"

"I'm sorry!  I didn't.. I'm just in shock."

"..Yeah.. I am."


Danny sits beside her.  It was quiet and very awkward.

Finally he broke the silence.
"So I should cancel the trip?"

Jessica purses her lips and gives him and evil glance.


One hour before.

"Jessica.. I've looked over your results and.. I don't know how you'll take this but-"

"Just say it!" Jessica snaps.

"Mrs. Huston, you're pregnant."


"What?!" Sarah says loudly.

"You're pregnant."

"No.  No, no, no, I can't be.. I was here for cancer."

Her doctor couldn't help but chuckle.
"You're still one hundred percent cancer free!  You should be happy about that." He smiles.

"Yeah Je-Jess!  Be happy!" Sarah forces a smile even though on the inside she was freaking out.

"I'm almost fifty years old."

"You're forty seven." Sarah smiles.

"I-I-I can't be pregnant.  There's no way."

"Well if you'd like we can take you back so you can hear the heartbeat.  Maybe you'll feel a bit better then."

Jessica just stared at her doctor with wide eyes.

"Jess?  Answer him." Sarah says in a weird voice as she pats Jessica's back.

"I'm not pregnant."

Her doctor chuckles.
"Right this way, Mrs. Huston."

"I-I.. I can't move."

Sarah chuckles nervously.
"Let's go, mommy!"

Jessica looks at Sarah with a terrified expression.

"Just go, Jess."

Jessica laid down on the table and stayed motionless.

"Lift your shirt, sweetie." Sarah says.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now