Date night

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A week later Isaiah and Emily flew back to New Orleans.  Emily has been going through a lot right now and just needs to be with family.
Isaiah will be finishing school back at home.  Isaiah loves where they were but his wife was way more important to him.

When their parents heard the news they were of course very excited to have their children back home.

Until they find a place they are going to be staying with Danny and Jessica.  The twins love having more people in the house.  It's been way too empty for them lately.

"Zaya, me and Emmy gots new wittle puppy dogs!  Mines is a girl and hers name is Momo.  Emmy's is a boy and-"

"I say it!  I say it!" Emerson says pushing Willow out of the way.

"OW! Don't push!" She smacks his arm.

"Hey you two, cut it out. Don't fight." Isaiah says.

"But I wanna tell you!" Emerson whines.

"What's your puppy's name, Em?"

"Mines is a boy and him called Bear!" He smiles.

"Bear?  That's so awesome!"

"Yeah! My mommy and daddy gots dem for us!"

"That's nice of them, huh?"

"Yeah!  You can pet my doggy if you not scared."

Isaiah chuckles and pets the puppy. "Thank you, Emerson! He's so cool!"

"HEY mines is cool too!" Willow grabs her puppy by the collar and drags her towards Isaiah.

"Yours is so cool too, Willow!"

.. Mines is better." Willow whispers that last part.

"Nuh UH! Mommy, Lo Lo says hers is better!"

Jessica sighs and shakes her head. "Twenty four fucking seven!"

Isaiah laughs.

"Why don't you and Danny go out on a little date tonight? Zay and I can watch the kids." Emily suggests.

"Oh honey, you guys don't have to do that-"

"WE ACCEPT!" Danny smiles.

"We accept!" Jessica laughs and shrugs.


That evening Danny drove her to one of their favorite restaurants.  They both ordered a glass of wine and had some much needed adult time.

"Is it just me or is parenting this time around so much more exhausting?" Jessica asks.

"Oh yes!  Definitely!  Maybe cause we're both over fifty." He chuckles.

"I'm sure that's it.  Plus the twins are wild, babe!  I love them with all my heart but They Are Insane!"

Danny laughs. "They are pretty nuts."

"But they're so cute!  They're like little munchkins compared to our first batch." Jessica smiles.

Danny laughs and nods his head. "They are!  They're gonna be short!"

"That's funny.
..Oh gosh, remember when you booked our European trip because you were so excited to have me all to myself?  Then I came home and told you I was pregnant?" Jessica laughs.

"Yes!  Oh gosh, that was a shock!"

"I was not prepared for that at all.  Not Prepared!" Jessica chuckles.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now