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August 5th.

Today Danny and Jessica are taking of Charlotte while Noah and Kenley have a day to themselves.

"You two have fun and don't get pregnant!"


"You two go and be safe." Danny chuckles.

"Thank you.  Bye, Charlotte!"


"Come give mommy kiss, you booty!" Kenley says.

Charlotte sighs and walks over to kiss her mother.

"Now go!" Charlotte says with a look of irritation.

"Charlie, that's not nice! Be a good girl, and big helper to your grandma and grandpa, okay?"

"I will. Now bye bye!"

Noah and Kenley take off leaving Danny and Jessica with the three small children.

"Okay! Grampa, make me cookies, gramma, paint my toesies.. Let's see, what else do I want?" Charlotte taps her little foot as she lightly taps her tiny finger on her chin.

"Charlotte, I didn't hear one please at all!" Jessica says.

"That's cause I didn't say it." She says giving her grandmother a bit of an attitude.

Jessica looks at Danny with a blank face as he laughs.

"Charlotte, you have to ask nicely."

"Please." She rolls her eyes.

"What's with the eye rolling?  You've been hanging around your aunts for way too long!"

"Charlie, go in there and play with the babies." Danny says.

"The babies get on my nerves!"

"That's not nice!" Jessica pouts.

"Well they do." She sighs.

"But I'll go play with them if that's what you want."

Charlotte walks over and sits with the babies.

"Hi babies!  I sorry if I sound mean.. but sometimes you is loud and you is smelly.. But I love you guys."

Both babies look at Charlotte and giggle.
"Oh you're happy today!  Okay, let's play!"

Jessica walked in and found the three children playing with the toys that were thrown around.

"Oh look at all my babies playing like good little angels!"

"We being good, gramma!"

"Good!  Hey Charlie, wanna help me get the babies to say their first words?"

Charlotte gasps. "Yes!  Babies, say Charlie!" She says in her adorable baby voice.

Jessica laughs. "That might be a little difficult for them to say.  Let's start with Mama."

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now