So strong

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February 1st.

Today Anastasia is 18 weeks pregnant.
It is also Charlotte's 8th birthday.

"Happy Birthday, Charlie!"

"Thank you, Grandma!  Come in!  The presents go over there!" She points.

Jessica giggles.
"Okay, sweetie pie.  Thanks for telling us!
Come on, you two.  Let's go put your gifts for Charlie over here." Jessica says to the twins who each held a gift box.

Danny takes off and the twins follow their mother.

"Here, mommy."

"Thank you, Emerson! Give me yours, Willow."

Willow furrows her brows and holds the box a little tighter. "No I want to keep it!"

"Willow Alexandra, give it to me, it's not yours, it's Charlotte's!"

"I want to keep it, mama!"

"No, we bought it for your niece!  Now give it!" Jessica pulls it from her and sits it on the table.

Willow throws herself on the ground and screams and cries.

"Willow, no ma'am!  Ugh.  Where is your father?"

"He's in the food line, mommy." Emerson points.


"What, baby?"

"Come get your daughter before stuffing your face!"

"Willow, baby, come to daddy!"

"Daddyyyyy!" Willow cries as she runs to Danny.

"Mama mean to meeeee!"

Danny picks her up and kisses her cheek.
"Aww!  The poor princess!"


"Shh, shh, you're okay.  Calm down, chubby.
Want some food?"

Willow sniffles, rubs her eye, and nods her head.
"They have corn?"

"I don't think so.."

"Oh noooo!" She cries.

"No don't cry!  They still have lots of yummy food! And guess what!"

"What?!" She shouts in an irritated tone.

"After you eat you can have ice cream!  You like ice cream, don't you?"

"Daddy!" Willow whines.

"What, baby?"

"I toes n' tolerance!"


"I toes n' tolerance!" She says a bit louder.

"Oh! Lactose intolerant!" Danny chuckles.
"Well just a little bit of ice cream will be okay."

"Say that to my tummy!"

"Okay well then never mind. Let's just eat and we'll see what we do later. Okay?"

"Okay, Daddy."


An hour later.

"Look at Charlie playing with her friends.. can you guys believe she's eight?" Kenley says to her mother and Jessica.

"No!  Time has gone by so fast!"

"I know!  When will you have another one?" Sarah smiles.

"Hah!  Mom, we're too young for another child!"

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now