Your fault

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"Sarah, you are being a complete bitch.  You act like this is something I prayed would happen!  I wasn't there to strip them of their clothes!  I wasn't there telling your daughter to spread her legs or cheer them on!  None of this is my fault!  It's yours and you know it."

"Ladies, why don't we calm down and speak like ad-"

"Shut up, Danny!" Sarah yells.

"Don't tell him to shut up!"

"This is YOUR fault, Jessica Lange.  No one else's.  As a mother you have to teach your children what is right and what is wrong."

"Sarah, calm down.  Jessica is not a bad mom." Evan says.

"Stay out of this, Evan!" Sarah raises her voice.

"Sarah, don't tell my wife she's a bad mother, we both know that's not true."

"Oh but it is!"

"This was YOUR fault, Sarah!  You have to let kids be kids and not shelter them because they will Act Out!  You have no one to blame but yourself, now get out of my house."

"Come on you two!  This is the last time you'll be hanging out with a Huston, so say goodbye!"

"NO MOM!  Stop being this way!  It wasn't aunt Jessie's fault!  I love Noah and he loves me!  You said no and it made me want to be with him even more!  If it's anyone's fault, it's yours!"

"Let's Go!"

Kenley looked at Noah, then back to her parents.
She quickly walked over to Noah and held him tightly.

"I love you!  I love you so much!" She sobs.

"I love you too."

"I'll see you soon."


Kenley kissed his cheek and left the house.
She was so upset she was shaking.

"Noah, go upstairs.  You're grounded, so don't ask me to go anywhere."

"Yes ma'am."

Once Noah leaves Jessica sits down and sighs.

"You did well."

Jessica rubs her face then finally breaks.
"Danny, am I a horrible mother?"

"No!  Jessica, don't even listen to her!  She's just upset and she's blaming everyone but herself.  Don't worry about it, baby."

"I don't think I did anything wrong.  I didn't tell them to sneak off.."

"You didn't do anything wrong, sweetie."

Just then the door flies open.
"I'm hooome!"

Jessica and Danny just stare at Gabriella.
"Gee, welcome home, Gabriella!"

"I'm sorry.  How are you, my beautiful girl?" Jessica stands up and hugs her.

"I'm doing well! What's wrong? Are you upset?"

"Oh just.. your stupid brother!"

"Which one? They're both equally stupid."


"What's he do?"

"He slept with Kenley."

"What!" Gabriella's eyes go wide.

"Sarah came over and told me how horrible of a parent I am."

"Are you serious? That's crazy!
You don't believe her, do you?"

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now