Picture Perfect

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Jessica laid on her side trying her best to relax her mind and go to sleep.

Danny laid with his back facing her, something that he never did.  He always faced her with his arm draped over her waist.  Jessica laid there in the dark crying silent tears.  She just wanted this feeling to pass.


The next morning.

"Mom, Dad."

"Yes Charlie?"

"My grandma kissed my papa. . don't you think I deserve a dog?"

"A dog?!  You begged for a cat!"

"And you didn't get it for me.  Willow did."

"Willow found that cat, she didn't buy it."

"It's AUNT Willow!" Willow says walking into the room.

Charlotte giggles and hugs her aunt. "Sorry aunt Willow.  Thank you for the kitty cat." She smiles.

"You're welcome, baby!" Willow smiles and reaches up to pinch her cheek.  Even going up on her tip toes, Willow could barely reach Charlotte's cheek.

Noah and Kenley chuckle.

"Are grandma and grandpa coming down?"

"My grandpas dead." Willow says with a straight face.

"Willow!" Noah says.

"What?!  He is!  Not grandpa Huston though."

"Willow, I was talking about MY grandpa and grandpa."

"Oh!  My mommy and daddy?"


Willow sighs dramatically and rolls her eyes. "Then say that okay, sweetie?" Willow plays with Charlotte's hair.

Charlotte laughs and turns to her parents.  Willow was the sweetest little auntie.


Gabriella's POV.

"Ahh!  Nooooo!  UUUGGGHH!"

"Lucy, what are you fussing about?"

"Mama he took!  He took!"

"William, what did you do?"

"She stole my bear!" William pouts.

"William, can't you share?"

"No mommy, I can't."

Gabriella groans. "Here Lucy, play with this." She hands her a fluffy makeup brush and continues applying mascara.

"NAAOOOOO!" Lucy screams and throws it across the room.

"Oh my gosh!" Gabriella shouts. "Where is your father?"

"Probably sleeping." William says.

"He's so damn lazy."

"Dam." Lucy says.

"No ma'am!  That's a mean word."

"Dam. . . Dam."

William covers his mouth and giggles.

"Dam.  Daaaaam!" Lucy looks to her older brother and laughs.

"Will you two leave me alone please?  Mommy needs some me time.  Go find daddy."

"DAM!" Both William and Lucy both shout.

"Uggghhh!" Gabriella groans loudly.


Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now