I think it's time

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34 weeks pregnant.

Isaiah and Emily's baby shower.

"Holy hell!  Are you huge or what?!"

"Thanks, George!" Jessica gives him a look.

"We all thought you were huge with Isaiah! Damn, even the twins were nothing in size compared to this!"

"Alright, George!"

.. You look great." He smiles.

"Blow it out your ass!"

"Uncle George, how do I look?!" Gabriella smiles.

"You look beautiful! How's the little princess?"

"I'm fine!" She giggles.

George laughs. "Well you'll always be the princess!  But I mean, how's the little princess!" He pats her bump.

"She's great! I think she'll be here soon. I don't know if she'll hang out in there like her brother."

"Really? That's exciting!"

"Baby Lulu is on her way!" Jessica smiles. "And so are the three stooges." Jessica rubs her big belly.

"How long will they let you go, Jess!"

"We want to make it to thirty six weeks. If after thirty six weeks they're still not here, then Sunshine will break my water."

"Sunshine! How did she react when you told her you were pregnant again?" George laughs.

"Well before I had a chance to call her, I actually ran into her at the grocery store.  I was about seventeen weeks then so my belly was already showing." Jessica then lets out a hard laugh and says, "I just heard her voice from behind saying, 'Oh my sweet lord!  Jessica Lange, are you trying to create your own football team?!'  It was so funny!
Then I told her, 'These aren't mine!' Let me tell you, when I said, 'They're my son's', heads turned!  It was great!" She laughs.


Just as everyone sat down to eat, Anastasia arrived.

Jessica jumped up and ran to her daughter.

"Damn, that's the fastest I've seen her move in months!" Isaiah says.

"Anastasia, my beautiful baby!"

"Hi momma! Aw, look at your tummy!"

Jessica giggles and hugs her daughter.

"Let me see this belly!  Oh mom, how are you doing this?" Anastasia laughs.

"You look just great!"

"Thank you, baby!  It's a lot more difficult this time around but we're almost to the finish line!" She smiles. "We can do it!" Jessica rubs her belly.

"Yes you can!"

"Sissy!" Gabriella hurries over to her sister.

"Woah! You're so much bigger with this baby than with Will!"

"Aw, just a bit!" Gabriella laughs.

"You sure you're not having twins?!"

"Alright bitch, enough!"

Anastasia laughs and hugs her sister.


It was now present time! Danny and Jessica sat to the side of Isaiah and Emily as they opened their gifts.

"Look at all these clothes! Oh my goodness, where will we put everything?" Emily laughs.

"Right? Three babies! Wow.. suddenly seeing all of their little things is making it so much more real.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now