I Promise

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"Well you get to bed, honey.  Get a good nights rest and tomorrow you can talk to Emily."

"She's going to be so happy."

Jessica smiles and kisses his cheek.

"Goodnight, momma."

"Nighty night, Zaya!"


Jessica happily walks into the bedroom.

"Everything okay?" Danny asks half asleep.

"Everything is great!  I've figured everything out." She smiles.

"So what's up?"

"I'm going to have Isaiah and Emily's baby." Jessica smiles.

Danny's mouth opens and he freezes.

".. What?"

"I'm going to carry the baby for them!"

"Jess, you.. What?!"

"Daniel, this is annoying. You know what the hell I said!"

"But I don't understand. Jessica, first of all.. aren't you old?  Cause the last time I checked, you were!"

"I will go to the doctor and they're do what needs to be done in order for me to have a baby."

"Okay.. But he's your son."

"Danny, I'll only be carrying the baby for them!  The baby will not be mine!  The baby is my grandchild and that's it!  It's like I'll be babysitting for nine months!"

"Jess, this is a lot!  This is a huge decision, you can't just decide that fast.  You have to think about it first."

"Danny, he is my son!  I told him I would do anything for him! There's nothing to think about."

"But having his child?!  Jessica, isn't that a bit much?"

"You know what, Daniel.  I don't care.  He is my son and I will help him in any way that I can.  If I can give them a baby, then you bet your ass I'm going to!  Do not question me again because my mind is made up."

"I just feel like you should think about it, that's all."

"There's no need for that.  I've made my decision.  Now goodnight."

The next morning.

The twins woke Emily up by slapping their little hands on her face. The exact way they wake their parents.

"Guys, guys I'm up!" She laughs.

"We gots wee wees." Willow pokes her diaper.

"Mama and dada change us in the morning time."

"Do you want me to take you to them."

"Mommy and daddy here?!" Emerson smiles.

"They're here, buddy!"

"Yay!  Take us to mama and dada peeeese!"

"Okay, let's get down.  Your brother never came to bed?"

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now