I'm going crazy!

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The kids talking none stop about this virus going around was honestly doing nothing but confusing and irritating Jessica.

"Kids!  Wait a second, wait a second!" Jessica says grabbing their attention.

"SHUT UP!" She makes a face.

"NO!  Mom, you have to go out to the store!" Gabriella says in a panic.

"For what?"

"Toilet paper!  There are a lot of us here so we really need to stock up!  People are getting into fights over it!  I don't want to risk my life for toilet paper!"

"So you're going to send Mom.. Who's old?!" Anastasia says.

Jessica glares at her daughter.
"Can everybody just calm down and get out of my house?"

"Are you kidding?  I have my car full of our things, we're staying here until they find a cure!" Gabriella says.

"What?  WHY?!"

"You have more than enough room, mom!  Julio is in New York, and when he comes home, I'm making him stay in our house by himself for two weeks before I let him anywhere near me!"

"Okay.. Well.. If we do that then uh.. we don't have to worry about this virus because eventually we're- we're all going to KILL EACH OTHER!!!"

"Mommy?" Willow looks up to her mother.


"Why is everyone going nuts?"

"They all take after your father, sweetie."

Willow scoffs. "Yeah Right!"

Just then Noah, Kenley, and Charlotte walk in.

"Oh Jesus Christ, let me guess!  You've seen the news, you're scared, and you want to stay here?"

"Yeah, how'd you guess?" Noah smiles.

"That's why Gabby's here."

"Oh!  Well we'll just stay in the duplex."

"What?  No!  Emily and I have been staying in there!" Isaiah says.

"Mom made it for us!"

"I have more kids, they'll just annoy Emily and I if we all stay in one room!"

"Well I'm not staying in the same room as mom and dad!" Charlotte says.

"I can sleep with Grandma." She smiles.

"The hell you are!"

Charlotte pouts. "That's mean.."

"Oh I'm sorry, honey." Jessica grabs Charlotte and hugs her tightly.
This family is just driving me crazy!  We'll figure this out..
  Zaya You, Emily, and the babies stay in the duplex."


"Stop it, Nugget!" Jessica lifts her hand in frustration.

"Anastasia, Ashton, and Annabelle will obviously stay in their room.  Gabby, take your old room with your kids.  Noah and Ken take Noah's old room.  Charlie, if you want you can have the guest room."

"Perfect!  Can I redecorate?" Charlotte smiles.

Jessica just looks at her with pursed lips.

"Where do we go, mommy?" Emerson smiles.

Jessica chuckles and kneels down to her son's level.
"You and Lolo stay put in your room, munchkin."

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now