I want you

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The next morning Jessica woke up, got herself ready for the day, then marched downstairs to tell everyone exactly what she was going to do.

"Good morning, mommy! Zaya made bweakfast!" Emerson smiles.

"Oh yummy! Thank you, Zaya!"

"You're welcome! How are you feeling?"

"I feel great!"

"You were moanin and groanin last night. I figured you didn't sleep well." Danny says.

Jessica looks at him then smacks the back of his head. "Thanks for waking me up to see if I was alright!"

"Ouch! I figured you were fine, geez!"

"Were you just uncomfortable?" Emily asks.

"I was having a baby dream."

"Oh I've heard those pregnancy dreams can get intense."

"Yeah, they can! I dreamt I was giving birth."

"Aww! We're my babies cute?!" Emily smiles.

"They were adorable! But the whole hospital situation was a complete joke and I'm not doing that." Jessica nods.

"What? Mom, it was a dream!" Isaiah says.

"I don't care. I have had six babies on my own, What's three more?"

"Mom, you're fifty and there are THREE!"

"You breathed and you push, I've got it down."

"Okay.. well what about a birthing center?" Emily asks.

"That's some bullshit that Gabriella would be into, not me. I just need to be at home, where I'm most comfortable. I'll call Sunshine and she can be with me for my final birth!"

"Sunshine? Isn't she like eighty now?" Isaiah chuckles.

"She's not that much older than me, Zay."

"So around eighty." Danny says, earning an evil stare and smack from Jessica.

"OW! Stop hitting me!"

"Oh don't be such a baby! Anyway, I've made my decision. They're your babies; Yes. But it's my body, and no one can tell me what to do."

"Alright." Isaiah sighs. "I mean you're grown and you'll do what you want anyway."

"You should've seen me in my dream!" Jessica chuckles.

"The only thing I ask is to have extra help there just in case." He says.

"Of course! Since a home birth is what we're doing, obviously I won't be induced unless necessary. I'm gonna keep these babies in as long as possible."

"Alright.. you're crazy, do you know that?" Isaiah asks.

"I do." Jessica smiles.


February 10th.

Today Danny is watching the twins while Jessica has a girls day with Sarah.

"It's been way too long since we've had a girls day." Jessica says laying her head back with her hands cradling her belly.  Her feet were soaking in the warm water.  She felt so relaxed.

"I know!  Hell, its been way too long since I've gotten a pedicure!  We definitely needed this.  Especially you Miss Preggers!"

"I know." Jessica smiles and circles her hand over her belly.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now