Those crazy kids

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"This flight taking forever!  I miss sissy!" Emerson pouts.

"I know you do, baby.  We're almost home!" Jessica wraps her arm around Emerson and pulls him closer.

"I'm gonna give sissy a big hug and tell her I'll never leave her again, mommy!"

"Aw!  You love your sister so much, huh?"

"So much, mommy!  She's my bes fwiend!"

"Aw how cute!"


Danny's POV.

"I want snacks!" Willow cries.

"You ate all of your snacks, chub!" Danny says.


"Willow Alexandra, please.  Let's take a nap.  You've already had enough snacks."

"NO!" Willow says in a bratty tone as she kicks the back of the seat in front of her.

"No ma'am!  Stop that!"

"I want mommy!" She brings her hands to her face and cries.

"I miss Emewson!  I wanna go home to my doggiesssss!"

"Honey, just two more hours. Take a nap, and when you wake up, we'll be there, okay?"

"Okay.. Will you hold me like a baby?" Willow looks up to her father with puppy dog eyes, and her hair in her face.

Danny smiled and pushed her hair back.
"Oh course.  Hop over, Lo."

Willow sniffles and cuddles into her daddy.


"Are we there yet?" Willow pops her head up and looks around.

"Not yet, sweetie."

"What?!  You said when I wake up we'll be home!"

"Willow, you slept for fifteen minutes!"

"Aghhhh!" Willow throws her head down and buries her face in Danny's neck.


Jessica's POV.

"We landing?  The plane is home?" Emerson looks up to Jessica with his sweet little face.

"The plane is home!" Jessica laughs and taps him on the leg.

"Yay!  Sissyyyyyy!" Emerson lifts his firsts in the air.

Jessica, George, Anastasia and Emerson all got off the plane, and head straight find their luggage.

"Come on!  We have clothes at home, let's just go!" Emerson bounces up and down.

"Quiet!" Jessica gently shakes the hand she was holding.

"There it is.  George, will you help me?"

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now