Mommy Makeover

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The next day.
January 10th.

"Just call him, Anastasia.  Just call him!" She says to herself, her phone in her hand.


"Anastasia!  Oh my gosh, finally!  Ana, where are you?  How are you doing?"

"I'm fine."

"I heard about everything that happened.."

"Yeah, I figured.  Ash, there's something I need to tell you."

"What is it?"

".. I'm pregnant.
  Obviously it's your baby.... It's a girl."


"You can be as involved as you want.
  I'm staying with my parents.. I should have never left."


"I know this is a shock.  You don't have to give me an answer now.  I'm fine without your help.  I have my own money.  I just felt you should know."

"I'll be in New Orleans in a couple weeks.  Can I see you?"

"Sure.  Just call me when you're here."

"I will.
.... Wow, this is wild.  I'm gonna be a father?"

"Heh.. Yep."

"This is.. intense!  Okay, okay, well I guess all call my mom and tell her.  I'll talk to you soon."

"Okay.. Bye."


Anastasia sat her phone down and took a sigh of relief.  She then looked down and placed her hand on her small bump.

"Well that's over!  I guess everyone knows."


Isaiah's POV.

"Now all three are pooped. Why do you guys do that?" Isaiah asks in a funny voice.

"You all scream for food and then blow at the exact same time!  And guess what!  Daddy needs to study!"

"Aw these babies.. how can you study when these babies are here just sitting here waiting to be cuddled?" Emily smiled.

"Oh my gosh, I'm not ready to go to work on Monday. I thought now was a good time, but not anymore!  Plus, I feel for your poor parents!  They have the twins!"

"They only have them a couple days out of the week, babe."

"I know but maybe we should just leave them with my parents all week."

"My mom will get so offended."

"It's not anything towards your parents!  I just feel terrible!"

"Don't.  They love babies!  Especially my mom.
They'll be fine!"

"Okay.. you're right.  Ugh but I'll miss my babies!
Will you miss me, stinkies?"

All three babies look at their mother and start fussing.

"They're crabby because their butts are crappy! Let's get them changed, momma!"


Noah's POV.

"Mommy, daddy!"

"Yes, Charlotte?"

"I am going to be eight next month, so we have to start planning my birthday party. I want to invite these people on this paper. And on this paper.. these are all the people I don't want there."

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