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"My baby boy is getting married today, Danny."


"I am.. I'm so happy for him and Emily.."

"But?" Danny could see a sadness in Jessica.

"But he's my baby boy." Jessica looks at Danny with tears.

"I don't know how I'm going to get through that dance.  The song.. oh gosh, I'm going to be a mess!"

Danny placed his hand on her back and softly rubbed his thumb back and forth.

"Remember how cute he was when he was little?  I mean, he's still cute but, my chubby Zaya was So stinkin cute!"

"He was pretty cute." Danny chuckles.

"Yes!  Those thighs!  Oh gosh, the way he would run to me.  Just a diaper over that big ol butt!  Shouting, "Mama Num Nums!  Num Nums!" Oh gosh, he was hooked on the Num Nums!"
Jessica sighs. "....My baby boy.. where did the time go?"


"Look at you! You are the most beautiful mother of the groom I have ever seen." Danny walks behind Jessica as she puts her earrings on.

Danny wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her cheek.

"I'm so nervous! My stomach is in knots."

"Why baby? You're not the one getting married." Danny chuckles.

"Because my baby boy is going to be someone's husband today! She's going to be the most important woman in his life now."

"Honey, I know Isaiah, and I know how much he adores his momma. You will always be his number one. You taught him how to be the amazing young man he is today. You've done an incredible job, honey."

"Thanks.. you helped too." She chuckles.

"I did, but for the first six years of his life the boy hated me!"

"Aw!" Jessica laughs. "He loved you!  Just not as much as he loved me." She smiles.

"Of course not!  You're gold to Isaiah."

"I am." Jessica's smile grows.

"He's such a Mama's boy.. and he's going to have his own babies soon!"

"Isn't that amazing?"

"I think someone in the family should carry the baby for them." Jessica says taking Danny by surprise.

"You think either one of our daughters would go through that if it wasn't for them?" He asks.

"Heh!  Well probably not, but it would be nice!  I don't like the idea of trusting a woman to carry your child for nine months.  We don't even know her, Danny!"

"Honey, it'll be okay." Danny chuckles. "Don't worry about it."

"I always worry!"

"I know you do but let's just enjoy the day."

"Okay.." Jessica smiles softly.


The wedding is about to start.  Everyone is lined up and ready to go.

"Emmy and Willow, just how we practiced, remember?"

"Yes mommy." They smile.

"Okay!  Do good!" Jessica gives them a thumbs up.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now