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A month has passed.  Noah and Kenley are finally getting situated in their new place, and everyone is just taking the summer pretty easy.

"Look at you crawling like a big girl, Charlie!" Jessica smiles.

Charlotte giggles and smiles up to her grandmother.
"You're so stinkin cute!" Jessica picks her up and kisses her cheeks.

"You're growing up too fast, Charlotte Rose!  You need to stay this little forever!  Can you do that for Grammy?"

Charlotte starts cracking up.

"She's so cute." Jessica chuckles before handing her over to Kenley.

"Ah!  Ah!" She shouts.

"You want grandma?" Kenley asks.

She fusses a bit more and leans towards Jessica.

"Aw, come here, baby girl!"

"You can stay with grandma for as long as you want to!"

"AaaBaba!" She mumbles and claps her hands.

"You're so silly!  What are you saying, precious?"

Charlotte smiles and kicks her legs.
"She's such a happy baby!"



"Mommy?" Anastasia says slowly walking into her parents' bedroom.

"Yes baby?"

"I don't want to go to high school.  I'm just a little girl."

"Aw, sweetie!  I know high school is overwhelming, especially since you're so young!  But you are so smart and you worked so hard for this!"

"Mom, I don't even know how I came to be so smart."

Jessica chuckles.

"It's just.. I love acting.  I love my classes, I love the school plays, and I love improving."

"You do?  That is where you and I differ." Jessica chuckles.

Anastasia smiles.
"When I was younger you told me I had to finish school before really going for my dream.. so I worked hard!
.. Really hard.
But now after doing all that work.. I guess it just makes me wonder.. Should I just throw all of that away?  Or should I keep going and keep learning?  Should I become a doctor, or a lawyer, or a veterinarian, or something!
.. Or do I take a chance at something I may fail at?"

"Baby, you're thirteen.  You have so much time to think about this decision.  My advise to you is just to do what you love.  Do what makes you happy, okay?"

"Okay." Anastasia nods.

"I love you and I will support you in whatever you decide."

"Thank you, momma." Anastasia smiles and gives her mother a hug.


A few days later Jessica and Danny took Isaiah to Boston to get him settled in.

"I guess this is it.. The place looks great, baby." Jessica says trying so hard to hold in her tears.

"If you need anything, your sister isn't too far away, and of course you can Always call your mom and I."

Isaiah nods and smiles softly.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now