My Baby

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"Jess!  Jessica, wake up!" Danny shakes her.

"What?!  Danny, go to bed!"

"No, wait!  Do you hear something?"

"No!  Now go to sleep!"

"It's Ashton!  I think somethings wrong!" Danny quickly gets out of the bed and hurries to their bedroom.

He heard Ashton begging Anastasia to wake up, and he of course panicked. Danny swung the door open and ran to his daughter.

"What's going on?!  ANASTASIA!"

"I-I think she took too many pills, Danny!  The ambulance is on their way.  I'm so scared!" He sobs.

"JESSICA!  JESSICA!" Danny shouted loudly, waking up the rest of the house.

Everyone ran into the bedroom in a panic.

"What's-  MY BABY!" Jessica ran to her daughter and dropped to her knees.

"Ana!  Ashton, what happened to her?!" Gabriella asks.

"She took some pills.  Gabriella, go downstairs and wait for the paramedics." Danny said.

Gabriella stood there watching her sister with tears pouring down her face.

"GO!" Danny shouts.

Gabriella ran down just in time to let them in.

Jessica held her daughter to her chest and sobbed.

"Baby girl, hang on.  It's going to be okay.
Mommy's here, it's okay!  Just listen to my voice and hang on. Please hang on." She says that last part in a tearful whisper.

Soon the paramedics arrived.
"I'm going with her!" Jessica shouted.

Ashton wouldn't let go of Anastasia's hand.  He wanted to be the one with her in the ambulance, but he knew he should let Jessica.

Ashton leaned forward and kissed Anastasia.

"I love you, Ana. Don't leave me."

He then let go of her hand and she and Jessica were off.
Julio stayed with William, and Danny, Gabriella, Lucy and Ashton left for the hospital.

After what felt like forever, Jessica walked out to the waiting area.

"Jess!" Danny said when he saw his wife.

"How is she? Is she okay?" Gabriella asked in tears.

"She's okay.. she's out of it.. but she's okay."

"Oh thank God!" Ashton sighs and grabs his head.

"They said we could all go back there if we wanted..
I just don't understand. I thought she was okay now.
Did you know she was taking these pills?" Jessica asks Ashton.

"No! I didn't know.. how could I have not known?!  What if something would have happened to her?"

"We can't think about that. We just need to get her into a good facility. She needs help. We can't just talk to her anymore. She needs Professional help." Danny says.

"Dad's right. We're going have to find a place back home. We can't leave her out here alone.
I know she has you, Ashton, but I feel like she needs as many people as possible. She has to go back to New Orleans."

"I agree." Ashton nods.

Jessica nods and takes a deep breath.
"Let's go before she wakes up."

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now