I just know

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"What? You're pregnant?" Jessica smiles softly.

"I've been at this hospital for fifteen hours and they checked EVERYTHING!  Apparently in one of the tests it showed I was pregnant.  I don't know how they know but apparently I am!
I didn't know, I promise I'd never put my baby in danger on purpose, I promise!"

"Honey, I know!  Don't worry, I'm sure the baby is fine!"

"No." Anastasia shakes her head.
"I don't see how it could be, mom.
They.. they did the little heart doppler thingy and.. they couldn't find a heartbeat." Anastasia says as she reaches for her puke bucket.

Jessica quickly repositions herself and holds the bucket for her daughter.

Anastasia moans and grabs her stomach as Jessica rubs her back.

"It's okay, baby.."

"NO IT'S NOT!  It's Not okay, mom!"


"What if I killed it?" She sobs.

"You didn't kill your baby."

"Don't say that because you don't know!"

"They can't do an ultrasound to ease your mind?"

"They are.  They said they would come in at five.  That's why I had to hurry up and tell you.  Mommy, please don't tell daddy!  Don't tell anyone!  You have to promise me!"

"I promise, honey.  I won't say a word!"

"If this baby.. if it's gone.. I never want to talk about it it again.  Got it?"

Jessica nods her head. "Yes, baby."

Anastasia then sighs and lays down.

"Uncle George and your baby brother are here..
Daddy wanted to come but—"

"No, someone had to stay with Gabby!
I'm glad uncle George and Emmy came."

"Me too.  Emerson is probably driving him mad right now!" Jessica laughs.

Anastasia chuckles then stares up to the ceiling.
"Man.. how are Gabby and I so fucked up?"

"You're not fucked up!"

"If we aren't, I'd hate to see who is!"

Jessica sighs. "Get some rest, baby."

"I'll try."



Since they could not detect a heartbeat just a couple hour prior, that could mean one of two things.
Either Anastasia miscarried the baby, or the baby is just simply too small.

Anastasia spreads her legs and takes a deep breath.

"Okay, just relax."

Anastasia gives her mother's hand a light squeeze.
Jessica kisses her hand, then rubs her thumb over the top of her skin.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now