But you did

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"I cannot believe my mother just kissed my girlfriends' father. A man I call Uncle! Mom, what is wrong with you?!" Noah says.

"Sorry." Jessica giggles and shrugs her shoulders.

"When my grandmother had twins younger than me, I knew our family was different. When she had my uncles triples I knew we were a little off. But my Grandma kissing my Grandpa!! I don't think I actually belong to this family." Charlotte says.

"Oh Charlie! You know you love us!" Jessica smiles.

"I never said I didn't love y'all. You're all just weird!"

Jessica laughs. "Yeah, I guess you're right about that.


The evening went on and Jessica sat back. She sat back watching Danny. She smiled as he spoke with the kids and grandkids. But soon her happiness turned to sadness. Danny cheated on her and that was never going to go away. This is something Jessica never thought Danny would do to her.

Later that night.

Jessica sat in her bed reading. The kids were all in their beds dreaming away.

Danny came in and softly knocked on the door.

"Why are you knocking?" Jessica looks up from her book.

"Sorry. Can I sleep in here?"


"Are we okay?"

"Yeah. I kissed Evan. . Hopefully that hurt you."

Danny chuckles softly. "Well it definitely feel good."

"Good." Jessica smiles softly.

"I knew you had a crush on him when we were younger!"

Jessica shrugs her shoulders.

". . . Do you mind if I sleep in here?"

"No. Didn't I just answer that?"

"Well yeah but I didn't believe you."

"I wouldn't have said yes if I didn't' mean it."

Danny sits down and gets under the covers. "Thanks."

"No problem."

Danny slowly reaches over and places his hand on hers.

Jessica stares at their hands and they sit in silence.

"This is really weird for me, Danny." Jessica says softly.

"I know. I love you."

"I love you too." She quietly says. ". . . It's gonna take me a while to feel comfortable. . you know. ."

"I know. I understand."

". . . I just. . I need time. I'm not gonna lie I feel awkward in this bed with you. . and I hate that." Jessica's voice shakes as tears slowly roll down her cheeks. "Because I've never felt this way before. You're my husband, but you're also my best friend. I've always enjoyed sitting beside you and talking about our day. I love watching tv with you, and I love cuddling with you. But now. . I just feel weird."

Danny wipes her cheeks and Jessica looks to him.

"I never wanted to hurt you."

". . But you did."

*** Just a short chapter so I can get back to these guys. Today is my 7 year anniversary on this app. It all started with this story. I was waiting to get called back at the dentist, and decided to write my own story instead of just reading them.

I've stuck with this way longer than I ever imagined. It's always been very therapeutic for me, and I've loved every minute of it.

I want to thank you all for reading. There are a few that have been reading from the very very beginning, and I want to thank you so so much. I think it's so cool you all still enjoy my work!

To the people who came in later, thank you for taking the time to read ALLLL of those chapters. Even the bad ones! I truly appreciate it!

I know I've gone back and forth with the idea of adding a fourth book. If I end it here then I have 17 chapters to wrap up the Huston's story. I promise to make them 17 amazing chapters, but I don't feel their story can be told that quickly. I mean I could do it, but there are more weddings to be had, babies to be born (Not by Jessica, don't worry!), laughs to be shared, and tears to be shed.

I already know how this story will end, and to be honest, I'm not ready for that yet lol. Maybe it's just too hard to say goodbye to my favorite family.

Anyway! I'm just rambling. Again, thank you all. Your messages have always made my day. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

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