Don't be a baby!

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33 weeks.

"Babe! Look at these cribs I found!"

"Come to me, I'm not getting up."

Danny takes his laptop and sits beside Jessica.

"Its a double decker crib! Look, they have two versions! This one you just lift the screen and place them in there and this other one you slide the bottom one out like a drawer!"

"What the hell is that?! That first one looks like something in a pet shop and the other one? Danny, you want to keep our babies in drawers?!"

"No! It slides out like one but it's a crib!"

"We have cribs already."

"But these are cool!"

"Yeah no! We're not getting those."

"Dammit! I don't get any say on anything! These are my babies too!"

"I know, I feel the weight!"

"Fine, I'll just go with whatever you want.. like always."

"What? I never get what I want!"

"Oh my gosh, Jessica! Yes you do! You're like a spoiled little girl!"


"Shut up, guys!" Charlotte walks in with her hands in the air.

"Excuse me, little girl?" Jessica asks.

"You two are too old to be fighting like this!"

"You tell em, Charlie!" Noah says.

"We're not fighting."

"Then why you screaming?!"

"Because your grandmother is annoying." Danny says.

"Daniel!" Jessica shouts and hits his arm.

"Well it's true!"

At this time Gabriella walks down.

"You're bothering me, Daniel and Oh My God it's hot in here! I'm having a fucking hot flash, I think I'm going through the change." Jessica fans herself.

"Can you go through the change at eight months pregnant?" Gabriella asks.

Jessica gives her a look.
Suddenly Anastasia's puppy ran over and sat right on Jessica's belly.

"Awe! Benji loves sitting on your belly! It's so big and round, isn't it, Benji?" Anastasia baby talks.

Jessica gives her a look.

"You look so pretty, mommy!" She smiles.

"Save it!"

Jessica rocks forward a bit and makes little grunting noises making the dog run off.

"For Christ's sake SOMEONE HELP ME UP!" She shouts.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now