Twenty years

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The kids are all out of school, Danny is picking Gabriella up from the airport and Jessica is cooking her favorite. Everyone is so happy to have her home for Christmas.

"Gabriella Danielle Huston is home!" She says dropping her bags and lifting her arms in the air.

"My baby!" Jessica runs to her.

"Hi momma!"

"Oh Gabby, you're too thin! Come in and eat!"

Gabriella laughs.
"Well I won't pass up home cookin!"

"Gabby!" Anastasia runs to her sister.

"Hi beautiful!"

"Hey jail bird!"

"When are you going to let that go?"

"I never will, little sis!" Gabriella chuckles and taps her nose.

"Are you finished with your service hours?"

"Yes!" Anastasia groans.

Gabriella chuckles and rubs her head.

"Hey Gabs!" Isaiah walks in.

"Zaya!" Gabriella hugs him.

"Where's Nugget?"

"He's upstairs. Kenley is getting dropped off a little later.. she's not walking much these days." Jessica chuckles.

"Heh! How far along is she now?"

"Thirty three weeks."

"Wow! Getting close!"

"I know! I'm so nervous for her."

"She's so young.. I mean I'd be terrified if I was going through that now!"

"Yeah.." Jessica sighs.

"She'll be okay, though. Her doctor is great! She'll get an epidural and won't feel a thing!"

"Well that's good!"

Just then Noah comes downstairs.

"Nuggy! How are you?!"

"Hey Gabby! I'm good, you?"

"Great! Now that you all are here, I have some news!" She smiles.

"Oh you do? What is it?" Jessica puts a smile on her face but is actually terrified to hear what Gabriella has to say.

"I met someone!"

"Ooh! What's his name?"

"His name is Julio and he's really really sweet! He's in the company with me!"

"Aw Gabby! We'd like to meet this nice young man!"



"Great! He's coming for Christmas!"

"Oh! Well okay!" Jessica chuckles.

"You all will love him! He was my pas de duex partner in Don Quixote!"

"Oh! The one with the nice butt?" Jessica smirks.

"That's him!" Gabriella laughs.

"Oh lord!" Danny huffs.

Jessica laughs and taps his side.
"Are you jealous, baby?"

"I have a nice butt too!" He pouts.

"Ew!  Dad, gross!"

"Heh!  Yes you do, baby.  You have the cutest butt!"

"That's it I'm gonna puke." Anastasia lifts her hands.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now