Sorry Charlie

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Noah was pretty quiet after their little discussion.
He hung out in the living room and watched tv.

Kenley fed the baby then went downstairs.
Noah looked at her then turned back to the tv.

"Noah, if you're not happy here then leave.  I'll be fine."

"All I'm asking is to stay over at my house for a couple weeks just like we stayed here."

"All of Charlotte's things are here!  We'd have to pack so much!  She's used to this house, Noah!  You pack your stuff and go home to your mommy and daddy and we will be fine!"

Noah looks at her and scoffs.
"You're being selfish."

"I'M being selfish? Noah, I can't just pick up and move! My mom is here and she helps us!"

"And what is my mom gonna do? Sit on her ass and watch Roseanne all day? She only does that on Tuesday's!" Noah shouts.

"I know she'll help us but I want my mom just down the hall from me!"

Noah huffs and stands up.
"I'm out. I'll see you tonight." Noah grabs his jacket and leaves.

He slams the door making the baby upset.
Kenley sighs and starts to lightly bounce Charlotte.

"What's going on?" Sarah walks in.



"Nothing, Mom!" She snaps.

"Alright, I'm sorry!"

Noah left and walked home.
Jessica jumped up when she saw him.

"Nugget! How are you, baby?"

"Okay." He says hugging his mother.

"Where's Ken and the baby? Is everything okay?"

"Can I stay here tonight?"

"Well yes, of course! It's still your home, baby." She chuckles.

"Everything alright?"

"I'm fine.. I just miss being home."

Jessica smiles, rubs his back and kisses his cheek.
"It'll be nice to have you home, baby."


Kenley's POV.

"Ken will Noah be home for dinner?"

"Uhm.. I don't know."

"Where is he?" Evan asks.

"I don't know." She shrugs.

"Did you two have a fight?" Sarah asks.

"No. We just needed a little space."

"Oh. Well okay.. everyone eat up!" Sarah smiles.

Kenley's phone buzzes she picks it up from the table.

*Don't wait up. I'm staying at my house tonight.*

Kenley read it and sighs.

"Everything okay?" Sarah asks.

Kenley looks up and fakes a small smile.

She quickly looks down at the baby when she feels her eyes fill with tears.

Charlotte coos making the smallest smile appear on Kenley's face.
She kisses her forehead and mumbles, "Just me and you tonight, Charlie."

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now