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"I need to go with you guys.  I have to be there for my sister!"

"Isaiah, you have the triplets, you have to stay."

"I want to see her!"

"Let dad and I go and you guys come later."

Emily rubs Isaiah's back as he broke down.
"I'm just scared!  I knew this would happen!  I knew that one day this would happen!  I hate this!"

Jessica walks over and hugs her son.
"Baby, she'll be okay.  Your sister is so strong.
She'll be fine."


Danny, Jessica and the twins took the first flight they could find to New York.  They told the twins that their sister was in the hospital, and that they were going to visit her.

"Mommy? Daddy?" Willow looks up to her parents as she holds Danny's and Emerson's hands.

"Yes, Princess?" Danny asks.

"Is sissy dead?"

"Willow, don't talk like that! Sissy's Fine!" Jessica says.

"You say she sick!"

"She's sick, not dead!"

"She habing a baby?"

"No, honey."

"She got a tummy ache?"


"Mommy, they got snacks here?"

"Yes, Willow." Jessica says in an irritated tone.

"We'll get you some snacks, baby." Danny says picking her up.

"Okay.." Willow then smiles and softly caresses Danny's cheek.

"You so pwetty, daddy."

"Well shucks! Thanks!"

Willow giggles and wraps her arms around him.

"Mommy, I wanna be picked up too!" Emerson fusses until Jessica picks him up.


"Julio!  How is she?" Jessica asks as she walks over to him.

"Well her heart looks good, her blood pressure is still a little low.." Tears fill Julio's eyes as he speaks.

"She's just so weak.
.. I tried.  I'm sorry I didn't call you sooner, but I didn't want to worry you and I thought things were getting better.  I love her so much and I don't want you to think I didn't try to help her!"

"No, I don't think that. I know you love my Gabby, and I know you did everything possible. She's gonna be okay."

"Yes.. you two can go in. I'll wait with the twins out here."

"Thank you, hun.
Emerson and Willow, you two stay here, okay?

"With Tio Julio?" Willow smiles.


"Oh she says that so well!"

"I speak Spanish, Tio!"

Julio chuckles and kisses her cheek.
"I'm so proud of you! Come on, you two. William and Lucy are over here."

"Our niece and nephew!" Emerson shouts with excitement.

Jessica chuckles, then turns to Danny.
"You ready?"



Jessica walked in first and went straight to her daughter. "Oh Gabby! My baby girl!"

"Mom.. dad.." Gabriella spoke in a low voice.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now