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January 8th.

Danny woke up to the sound under of crying babies. He yawned and looked over to Jessica who was in a very deep sleep.

'Okay.. I'll give her five seconds to wake up... if not, then I guess I'm up first.' Danny says to himself.

'Five.. four... three..........twoooooooo............'
Danny lifts his head and looks closely at her face.

"Dammit! One!" He said loud enough for Jessica to hum and turn to her side.

Danny gets out of the bed and walks over to the twins.

"You two literally went to sleep an hour ago! How are you awake?!"

The babies scream so Danny quickly lifts them up.

"Shh, shh.. it's okay, daddy's here."

The twins didn't care one bit.  It was obvious they wanted their mother.

"Oh goodness.. we want mommy, don't we? Well she's asleep, guys!
.. But you two need to eat.. okay, wakey wakey, mommy!" Danny says walking over to the bed.

"Baby." Danny says gently nudged her with his leg since his hands are a bit tied up.



"The babies are awake."

"That's good, Danny.."

"They're hungry, babe."

"You feed em."


"I know, I'm sorry." Jessica sits up and rubs her eyes as she yawns.

"Good morning, loves."

Danny hands the babies to Jessica, then grabs her nursing pillow for her.

"Thanks honey."

"No problem! Happy Anniversary, baby." Danny said with a smile.

"Thank you, handsome! Happy Anniversary to you too!"

"Twenty three years!" He smiles.

"Damn!" Jessica laughs. "That's a long ass time."

"Too long!" Danny jokes.

"You ass!" She laughs harder.

Danny chuckles and kisses her temple.

"Let me wash up, then I'll go make you some breakfast.  What do you want?"

"French toast." Jessica smiles.

"What!  That's too much work!"


"Kidding!" He smiles.

"French toast coming right up!"

"Thanks, smelly!"

"Hey!" Danny turns and gives her a look.


Danny quickly made her breakfast and brought it up to the bedroom.

"Just in time!  Emmy spit up everywhere and needs to be changed."

"Lucky Me!" He chuckles. "How did you burp them both at the same time?"

"I'm supermom!  Heh!  I just laid Willow across my legs on her tummy and held Emerson on my shoulder."

"Nice!  Well here's your breakfast."

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now