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A few days later.

Charlotte wanted to act with grandmother so badly, Noah and Kenley couldn't say no.

Today is her big day. Charlotte has been so excited, she didn't even sleep the night before.

"I get to wear makeup?" Charlotte asks sitting in the makeup chair.

"Yes ma'am." The woman says.

"Cause I'm an actress?"

"Yes ma'am." She smiles.

"You call me ma'am cause I'm an actress?"

"Yes ma'am." The woman giggles.

Charlotte sighs, "My friends are gonna be so jealous that I'm a star."

"Charlotte!" Jessica laughs.

"It's true, grandma."

"Okay, Ms. Charlotte, you are all finished fished!"

"Oh perfect! Grandma, do I need to go over my lines again?"

"We can, if you want, baby."

"Let's do it one more time just for practice!"

"Okay." Jessica giggles.


Charlotte sat and waited to be called to set.
Meanwhile, Jessica has started filming her scenes.

"So how does it feel to work with your grandma?" One of the writers asks Charlotte.

"Well I love it!"

"Aw that's great!"

"It's really cool cause my grandma is SO good!  I didn't even know she was famous!" Charlotte says with a giggle.

"But it's kinda silly cause she's playing my mommy and not my grandma!"

"That's kinda funny, huh?"

"Yeah cause I know I didn't come out of my grandma's hole!  I came out of my mommy's hole!  She's sitting over there.  Hi, mommy!" Charlotte waves.

"Hi baby!" Kenley chuckles, her face turning red.

"But my aunts and uncles came out of my grandma.  And I think my daddy did too which is REALLY silly!" She laughs.

"My uncle Emerson.. I heard him coming out.  And my aunt Willow.. I SAW her coming out!  It was nuts!  My grandma was laying on this bed with her legs like this." Charlotte spreads her legs.

"Then my Grandpa screamed, PUSH JESSICA!  Jessica.. that's my grandma's name.  Anyway, he said PUSH JESSICA!  And she pushed and pushed and the baby was SO BIG that she RIPPED.. my grandma's.. lady bits.. it was SO terrible!"

"Charlotte Rose!" Jessica says.  She had walked in on that last part.

"Telling everyone my vagina is damaged!"

"I mean after six kids, I asume everyone knows." Noah says.

Jessica rolls her eyes. "Are you ready, Rose?"

"Yep!  It's silly cause that's my middle name and that's my actress name too!"

"That's super cool, huh?"

"Yeah!  Let's go, mommy!" Charlotte laughs.

Jessica smiles and picks her up.  She kisses her cheek and Charlotte wraps her arms around her.

"Your hair looks stupid, grandma." Charlotte giggles.

"You are so sweet." Jessica smiles.


Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now