Nugget Junior

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Sarah called her gynecologist and made an appointment for Kenley for the next week.

Jessica brought Noah with her and she was feeling extra emotional.

"I remember coming here to find out I was pregnant with Gabby and Zaya.. now I'm here for my grandchild! This is too much."

"She's been so weepy today!" Noah whines.

"I'm sorry, I'm on my period!"

"Yuck! Mom, I don't want to know that!"

"Aunt Jessie, you still get your period?" Kenley asks.

"Yeah But you don't!" Jessica answers in a smart way."

Kenley lowers her head and looks down at her hands.

"I'm sorry, that wasn't very nice.. Yes Kenley, I do. Despite the title of 'grandma' that you have recently given me, no I am not that old."

"I just thought once you were in your forties, everything stopped working."

"No honey, that's not correct."

"If you believe that, you were too young to be having sex." Sarah says.

"Jesus, mom! You say that about EVERYTHING! I know I was too young, but it happened and I'm pregnant. I'm dealing with it, and you should too!"

"She's right, Sarah."

"Oh shut up, Jessica!"

Jessica rolls her eyes.

"Kenley Peters." The nurse calls her.

"Mommy, I'm scared." Kenley grabs her mother's arm.

"It's okay, honey. I'm not going to leave you."

"Let us know when to come in." Jessica says.

Sarah nods her head and takes Kenley to the back.

"What are they gonna do to her, mom?" Noah asks.

"They'll check her blood pressure, ask her questions, and do an exam."

"What kind of an exam?"



"She'll need a Pap smear done. They'll have scape her cervix and test it"

"Oh God.. Poor Ken."

"Honey, a pap smear is the most painless things she'll have to do during pregnancy."

Noah sighs.
"I feel so bad that I did this to her."

"Honey, it wasn't just you. It was both of you, so don't act like this is all on you."


Kenley laid down with her legs in the stirrups.

"I don't like this." She whispers to Sarah.

Sarah chuckles.
"It's almost over."

"Alright honey, all finished.
Would you like to see your baby?"

"Yes!  Mom, go get Noah and Jessie!"

Sarah calls them back and Noah walks in very slowly.

"Come here, Nugget." Kenley holds her hand out.

"This is my boyfriend— I mean friend!" She says looking at Sarah.

Sarah huffs.
"Honey, I think it's fine to call him your boyfriend now." She chuckles.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now