Auntie Lo Lo

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A week later Danny came home just in time for the twins' first dance class.
Danny and Jessica both decided they were going to put them in dance, and when they turned three they would both be starting soccer.
They both have tons and tons of energy so they wanted to sign them up for as much as possible.

"Okay, let's see if we can get these tights up your thunder thighs!" Jessica tells Willow.

"Daddy say I gots mama legs!" She says looking down and slapping her thick thighs.

"Oh he did?" Jessica laughs.

"I guess mama does have some thunder thighs, huh?"

"Yeah!" Willow says hitting Jessica's thighs.

Jessica laughs and puts her tights on.

"Mama, I weawing a tutu!"

"Yeah baby!  You look so cute in your tutu!"


"Are you gonna dance like a beautiful ballerina like your big sissy?  And like Charlie?"

"Yeah!  I be good!"

"Yeah!  I can't wait to watch you!"

"Me and bwuder!"

"Yes!  You and brother!" Jessica smiles.


Danny and Jessica sat with the twins in the waiting area before their class started.

"Dada put down!" Emerson shouts.

"No, we have to sit and wait for your class."

"NO!  I wanna run!"

"No, we're inside, Em.  We can't run."


"I'll put you down but you can't run."


Danny puts him down and Emerson takes off.

"Why did you do that?  You knew he wasn't gonna listen."

Danny sighs. "You want me to take her and you grab him?"

"No!" Jessica laughs. "Go get him!"

"He bad, mama." Willow looks up as she lays on her mother's chest.

"He's wild!"

"He bad."

Jessica chuckles and kisses the top of her head.


"Alright class, are you all ready?"

"I weady!" Emerson smiles up to his teacher.

"Hi sweetie! What's your name?"

"My name Emmy! You pwetty!" He smiles and gives her a hug.

"Aww! Thank you, cutie!"

"That's my boy." Danny laughs.

"Willow, go with brother." Jessica sets her down.

"No, mama.." Willow grabs onto her mother as tight as possible.

"Mama is right here. I'm gonna watch you on the tv!" Jessica smiles.

"Mama!" She cries.

Jessica picks her up and hands her to her teacher. "She'll be fine. Just take her."

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now