Would you rather...

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One week later.

"I'm going insane, mom! I can't calm her down! I was so good with Lucy, William, and the twins, and the triplets! Why does my own baby hate me?!" Anastasia says on the verge of tears.

"Here honey, hand her to me. You rest or take a shower and I'll calm her down."

"We've tried everything, Mrs. H. She's not stopping!" Ashton says with exhaustion.

"Oh really?" Jessica says as Annabelle stops crying.

"Oh my gosh, what did you do?!" He asks.

"I have the magic touch." Jessica smiles.
"I am leaking though.." She pouts. "So here. Take her, and I'll pump for the three little Isaiah's who can't get off the breast milk!"

"Can't you just hold her til she falls asleep?" Anastasia asks.

"Honey, I'd love to, but my boobs! Come on, you're her mommy, she'll be fine!"


"I'll be right back once I unload!" Jessica chuckles.

She then walks to her room where she finds Willow and baby Jessica playing.


"Hi mommy!" Willow smiles and waves.

"Hi mama!" Jessica copies her.

"No Jessica! That's my mommy!"

Jessie pouts and lowers her head.

"Aww! Poor baby!" Jessica lifts her up.

"She's just a little thing, Willow. Be nice, okay?"

"But you're not her mommy!"

"I know. I'm your grandma, Jessie! Remember, Silly?"

"Yaaa!" She giggles. "Gammaaaaa!" Jessie arches her back.

"Yeah, Gamma!" Jessica laughs.

"Okay, you play with auntie Willow. Grandma has to make your food."

"Num Nums?"


"Jessie, you need to eat big girl food! Num Nums is baby girl food!" Willow says.

"NO!" Jessie frowns.

"Willow, leave her alone! She's a baby!"

"I baba!" Jessie hits her chest.

"Yes you are!" Jessica kisses her cheek before standing her up.  She then gets situated and starts pumping.

"Ah! Ah! Mine! Mine!" Jessie stomps her feet and reaches towards the milk.

"Wait a second, little miss."

She then starts throwing a tantrum for her food.

"Hey! What's going on in here?" Isaiah walks in.

"Zaya no! Don't look! Mommy's boobies are out! Close you eyes!" Willow lifts her hands.

Isaiah turns away from his mother, but grabs his daughter.

"Why are you not fully dressed?"

"I'm pumping!"

"Oh!  Is that why she's crying?"

"Yep! She saw the food!"

"Jessica, you just ate!" Isaiah bounces the baby.

"Mo! Mo!"

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now