Fully Vaccinated Queens

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One week later.

"Babe my agent called." Danny says.


"I've been offered a part in this small film."


"Can I do it?"

"After you're fully vaccinated I don't care.  Right now?  Absolutely not."

"Well I wouldn't leave for Los Angeles until the end of March, and we're getting our first vaccine this weekend."

"Then that's fine, but I still want you to be smart.  Wear a mask and don't go anywhere!"

"I know, Jess."

"It just scares me.  I don't want to lose anyone from this."

"Neither do I.  If you don't feel comfortable with me leaving then I'll decline the offer."

Jessica takes a deep breath.  No, you should do it.  You want to do this, it's obvious.  Just go but Please be smart."

"I promise." Danny smiles.


The weekend.

"First shot Done!  Am I turning into an ape yet?" Jessica jokes.

"Mom, that isn't funny!"

"Jesus, let me live!  I was just being funny, Gabriella!"

"I'm sorry.  I guess I'm just a little on edge."


"I don't know.  All this stuff just makes me so nervous."

"I understand, baby." Jessica wraps her arm around her. "This is a step in the right direction.  This is a good thing."

Gabriella smiles softly. "I know."

"In just a couple weeks we're going to be fully vaccinated Queens!  Isn't that exciting?"

Gabriella laughs. "Yes Momma, it is."



"All packed!"

"Daddy, I don't want you to go!" Willow sits on the bed beside Danny's carry on and cries.

"Aw Princess!" Danny lifts her. "I'll only be gone a little while.

"Mommy says three weeks!"

"Yeah that's nothing!  It'll go by so fast you won't even have time to miss me."

"But I miss you already, daddy!"

"Aw my sweet girl.  I'm gonna miss you too, Lolo.  But hey remember you can facetime me, or call me everyday."

"Yeah.  Daddy, I don't want you to go and get the corona."

"I'll be super safe, Lolo.  I promise!"

"Wear your mask!"

"I will!"

"Wear two!"

"Mommy does that.  I can't breathe when I try."


"Okay, okay!  I will, baby."

Willow fusses and hugs her father tightly.

"My Princess.." Danny softly rubs her back.


Danny gave Jessica a passionate kiss.

"I'll see you in three weeks, Ms. Lange."

Jessica smiles. "Can't wait, Mr. Huston."

Danny left with his driver.
Jessica shut her eyes and prayed silently.
"Please bring him home healthy."

I have some plans😏

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now