The phone call

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The sound of the phone ringing made Jessica's world stop for a moment. Her chest tightened and she felt short of breath.  The thought of receiving "The Phone Call" made her ill.  Jessica didn't know if they were calling to tell her Danny's condition had worsened, or if he was gone.  She hated hearing that damn phone ring.

"Hello?  This is Mrs. Huston, is he okay?" Panic filled Jessica's voice. "Is.. is he still stable?"

"Well hello, pretty lady."

Jessica's jaw dropped and her breath caught. "Danny?" She said in a tearful voice.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine!  Danny, you're talking!"

"And I sound like I smoked fifty packs today, don't I?"

Jessica chuckles. "You sound a little rough.  How do you feel?"

"Like I've been run over by an eighteen wheeler.  But I deserve it."

"Yeah.. you kinda do." Jessica laughs. "No I'm just playing..  None of us deserve this.  I'm so sorry you're having to go through all of this.  I can't even imagine how it must be over there."

"It's scary.  So many people are dying, Jess."

Jessica wipes her cheeks and takes a deep breath. "Are you okay?"

"I'm still here, ain't I?"


Danny sighs. "My heart has taken a beating, but I'm okay.  It's nothing we can't treat later."

"Danny, that scares me!"

"I'm okay.  They said I'll be fine.  Are you okay?"

Jessica pauses for a moment.


"I'm fine.  I'm just happy to hear your voice."

"I'm happy to hear yours too.  You sound a little rough yourself."

"I know.  Danny, I've been so scared.  They told me you were stable but that with covid things could change instantly."

"I'm sorry, baby."

"Why are you apologizing?"

"For putting you through this.  I really am sorry.  How are you and the girls?  No one else has it, do they?"

"No, no we're all okay here.  We're back in the house.  We all went through it well, thank God."

"I'm glad.  So.. does everything taste like shit to you too?"

"Well I can't really taste or smell at all."

"That sucks.  Sooo.."

Jessica giggles. "Yes?"

"Are we friends?"

"Uh, yeah babe.  We're friends."

"I just.."

Jessica sighs. "I know.  Danny?"


"I'm sorry I didn't say this before.. I'm sorry I hung up without telling you this.."


"I love you.  I hated you.. Or at least I felt like I did.  I was so angry.  But Daniel.. I love you more than life itself."

Tears came to Danny's eyes. "I know you do.  Even when you didn't say it.  I'll admit, it hurt not hearing you say it back because I was here all alone, and you didn't even know where I was.  But I know you do, Jess.  And I love you too.  I love you more than you'll ever know.  And I'm so sorry for what I have done."

"Danny, I don't wanna talk about that right now.  I just want to talk to you.. not about that."

"Okay." Danny then took a deep breath and coughed.

"Oh that sounds terrible.  Did they say when you could come home?"

"Not yet."

"Oh.  Danny.... will you come home?  Not wherever you've been staying.  Home."

Danny smiles softly. "I'd love nothing more."

Jessica smiled and blushed a little.

"I know we have a lot to work on, and I'm ready to do whatever it takes. "You and I are meant to be.  We are the greatest team of them all, baby doll."

Jessica chuckles through her tears. "I wanna hug you so bad."

"I wanna do a whole lot more than that." Danny said in his deep and extra raspy voice.

"Jesus Daniel!"


Jessica laughs.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"What are you wearing?"

"Oh my gosh!"

"I have to know!"

"I'm wearing pajamas, you dork!  What are you wearing?" Jessica laughs.

"My ass is out, that's all you need to know."

Jessica cracks up before she and Danny go into a cough attack.

"Oh wow!" Jessica coughs once again. "What a pair we are, Mr. Huston."

Danny laughs and clears his throat." The best, Ms. Lange!"

They aren't perfect.  They have their problems, but right now in this moment it feels so good to hear each other's voices again.  When someone comes so close to death, it's so easy to forget what they've done wrong.  You remember the good times only.  You remember that feeling you once had.. and nothing else in the world matters.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now