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The twins first day of preschool.

"You two look so cute!" Jessica says to the twins who were both dreading their first day of preschool.

"Mommy.." Emerson starts before Willow finishes with, "Give it a bwest, mommy."

"A bwest?  You're so stinkin cute!  Smile!  You're gonna have so much fun learning new things!"

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"A bwest? You're so stinkin cute! Smile! You're gonna have so much fun learning new things!"

"At least we get a bweak fwom the babies." Willow sighs.

"Looking on the bright side, Lolo! That's my girl!" Danny smiles.

"I not gonna go." Emerson nods. "Tanks for twying!"

Jessica laughs. "Nice try, chubby. Come on, or we're gonna be late."

"Noooo!" They whine in unison.

Jessica sighs and says, "You get one, I'll get the other."

"Oh but they're so heavy!" Danny whines.

"I've carried three babies in my stomach. You can't complain to me. EVER. Get Willow."

"Yes ma'am.."


"No! No! No! This not my teacher! This fat lady looks mean!"

"Emerson, quiet! We don't say that!" Jessica says.
"We met her last week, remember? She was very nice!"

"I don't wanna stay! I don't wanna stay!" Emerson fusses and stomps his feet.

"Stop it. You're fine. There's no reason to cry. Be good. I love you, and I'll see you later." Jessica kisses him then kisses Willow.

"Bye, beautiful. Mommy loves you."

"Don't leave us here!"

"Aw.." Danny pouts.

"Don't give in, they're fine. We'll see you later."

Jessica wasn't being mean, she's just gone through many many tantrums like this before. She knew they were fine, and she knew they'd calm down eventually.


A few hours later.

"This fucking car line!  I have not missed sitting in this damn car line, Jess."

"Stop complaining!"

"It's just annoying, Jess.  It's hot as balls, we need to get the air conditioner fixed, and we'll be in this line forever!"

"You sound so menopausal right now!  Shut up before I punch you in the face." Jessica says giving him a mean look.

Danny doesn't respond.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now