Hand them over

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"Go after her, daddy!" Gabriella said to her father.

"I am, baby girl.  Don't worry, she just needs a breather."

"She Needs help! What if she overdoses and kills herself? I can't lose my sister!" Gabriella cries.

"Honey, calm down." Jessica walks over and wraps her arms around her daughter for comfort.
"I don't want you making yourself sick."

"We're going to help her, honey. We won't let that happen!"


20 minuets later.

Danny's POV.

Danny drove around the neighborhood searching for his daughter.  Just when he was about to start searching outside of the neighborhood, he spotted Anastasia sitting on a park bench.

Danny parked the car and walked over to where she was.

"Excuse me, pretty lady.  Is this seat taken?" He smiles.

Anastasia looked at him with a face her mother often gave him, and said, "Dad, stop being weird."
Anastasia then put her cigarette out.

"I'm not being weird!  And when in the world did you start smoking, young lady?"

"I had to smoke for a role.. it just kinda stuck."

"Well it ends here!"


"And by the way, you sound just like your mother!  Smoking for a role and then it just sticks!
Your mom used to smoke like a chimney before you kids were born."

"Please don't bring her up." Anastasia rolls her eyes.

"Why not?"

"Daddy, she and Gabby are accusing me of things I didn't do!"

"Don't get yourself worked up again, Princess..
They're just worried about you."

"Well I'm fine!"

"Gabby saw you, Anastasia."

"But I'm okay!  My back was hurting, I'm not addicted, I swear!  I'll give you the pills right now!"

"Okay, hand them over."

Anastasia looks her father in the eyes.
Danny immediately saw the face of his little girl that used to run into his arms.  The little girl that just adored her daddy.

Anastasia then opened her purse and grabbed the bottle of pills and handed them over.

"Is this it?"

"Yes, sir."

"Okay." Danny put them away and took a deep breath.

"I love you. I don't want to believe what your sister is saying."

"Then don't."

Danny chuckles and wraps his arm around her.
"I want you to go home.. apologize to your mother and—"

Anastasia turns to him and once again gives him a look like her mother.

"Don't give me that look. The way you yelled at her was unacceptable. You're her baby. She's worried about you, Ana."

Anastasia sighs. "I know.. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, just apologize and show everyone that you're okay."

"I will. But I don't want to go back yet."

"That's fine with me. We can just hang out here for a while." Danny leans back and Anastasia lays her head on him.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now