They're never coming out

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The next morning Jessica woke up to Danny poking and talking to her belly.

"Daniel, must you make them move so much?"

"I'm sorry baby. They're just so active, I love it!"

"They are. Will you help me up, please?"


Jessica looks at the time and says, "I've gone two hours without peeing so I'm about to burst."

Danny helps her up and Jessica groans.

"Are you okay?"

"No but I'll live."

"Love you!"

"Alright." Jessica says as she waddles off to the bathroom.




"I lost my mucus plug." Jessica says as she washes her hands.

"What?!  Oh my gosh!"

Jessica walks out and says, "I mean it could still be a while but.. They're on their way!" She smiles.

"That's crazy!  Hey, your belly looks a little lower. That's good, huh?"

"Yeah and I'm feeling a lot of pressure.  I feel like Emerson is way down here and Willow is still pretty high." Jessica says pressing down on the top of her belly.

"She's gonna be the problem, isn't she?"

"I think so! What if she stays up there? How do I get her out?"

"Well if it's anything like your first four births, I think you push, babe."

"Shut up! I'm serious!"

"I'm sure she'll move down, honey."

"Well what If Emerson breaks my water and Willow isn't ready?" I'm gonna have one twin busting out and one twin all warm and cozy!"

"Sweetie, you're fine!"

"I'm so scared!"

"Why? You're a pro at popping these little people out."

"I'm older and it hurts so bad!
.. Danny, I'm old!"

"No you're not!"

"I'm forty eight! That's almost fifty!"

"I know, baby."

"What if I die?  What if they kill me?"

"Jessica, you'll be fine."

"Yeah well.. I might kill you!"

"Fine but you'll be on your own with two newborns, a dog, three adult children, one mean teenager, a wedding on the way and a Charlotte."

"Sounds like hell."

"Jessica!" Danny laughs.

"I'm playing! What time do we need to be out of here?"


"What kind of answer is that, Daniel!" Jessica snaps.


"Alright, thank you!"

Jessica sighs and rubs her belly.
"Do I gross you out sitting here naked?"

"You never in our entire relationship have grossed me out!"

"It's been twenty three years, I highly doubt that.
My belly is stretched to the max.. I have stretch marks which never happened, not even with Ana. My boobs are engorged! I look like Buddha!"

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now