I'm just a kid!

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"I have to go, my mom just texted me to get home." Noah says.

"How are we gonna tell them?"

"I have no idea."

"Let's not say anything right now. We'll tell them together, but let's just wait."


"Are you gonna walk me home?"


The walk home was awkward. No one spoke, and when they got to her house Noah didn't kiss her goodbye like he usually does.



"Do you want this baby?"

"Do you want it?"

Kenley's eyes tear up and she nods.
"I do. I mean, do I wish things were different? Of course! But I can't kill it."

"I don't expect you to do that, Ken. What about adoption?"

"Can we not talk about this now?"

"Yeah.. I'll see you tomorrow."


Kenley couldn't even eat, all she wanted to do was cry.
She laid in her room and stared up to the ceiling.

"I was so stupid to sleep with him! What did I think would happen? My life wasn't supposed to be this way!
I wanted to have babies with him, but not now.. I could never harm my baby.. but how in the world am I going to be a mother? I'm fifteen!"


One week later.

Morning sickness has kicked in, as if Monday morning couldn't have gotten any worse.
Kenley had been throwing up all morning, she felt so exhausted and so week.
This baby was already taking a toll on her body.

She went down to breakfast and the smell of food turned her stomach.

"Yes baby?"

"I have to get to school early today.. I uh.. I'm helping one of my friends with something."

"What about breakfast? You need to eat, honey."

"Dad made eggs!" Wyatt shouts just downing his food.

"Oh I'm not hungry, thanks though. I really need to get going."

"Well at east take a breakfast bar, you're going to make yourself sick!"

"Okay, I'll grab one."

When Kenley got to school she sat in the front with her head in her hands.
When Noah got there he saw her sitting alone.

"Hey Ken, you okay?"


"What's wrong?"

"This baby doesn't like me."

"How do you know?"

"I've been throwing up all morning. I can't take it. I need medicine."

"I have Advil."

"I can't have that. I googled it and it can hurt the baby.  Apparently the doctor can give me medicine for the nausea."

"We really need to tell them. You need to see a doctor."

"I know."

Noah gets a text message so he checks his phone.
"Looks like tonight could be our night."

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now