It wasn't enough

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A week and a half later.

Jessica sat alone in her room after dinner. She felt so empty. She missed Danny so much it made her feel sick.

Jessica played their wedding song on loop and cried harder and harder each time it played.

Gabriella walked in to check on her mother and sighed at the sight.

"Mom get over it."

Jessica turns to her daughter and makes a face. "You little bitch. You don't understand the pain I'm going through Gabriella!"

"I've never seen you this way. You are a freaking strong ass woman, and all you've done for the past week and a half is cry!"

"My marriage is over, Gabriella!"

"Daddy says he wants to work on it."

"He hasn't tried calling me today.." Jessica says in a low voice.

"Maybe because you never answer him, and when you do all you do is yell at him."

"Gabriella, get out! Stop making it sound like I'm the bad guy."

"I'm not, mom. But you know dad and you know he would never hurt you like this on purpose."

"Get Out!"

"Call him, mom."


"And stop drinking, my God!" Gabriella snatches her wine bottle from her.

"You have Ana in this house! Don't you remember her almost dying? Don't tempt her to go back to this."

"Oh Gabriella, I'm such a horrible person, aren't I?"

"That's not what I'm saying, mother."

"Gabriella Danielle Huston, get out unless you want me to slap you straight across your face."

"Who even are you right now?"

"Please leave me alone. I want to be by myself." Jessica takes her wine back.

"Mom, things could be worse."

Jessica scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"He could have caught covid."

"I wish he had!"

"Mom stop that!  That's a horrible thing to say!"

"I birthed his fucking children, Gabriella!  I gave up my beautiful body for all of our kids, and he sleeps with some whore he just met?  It makes me feel sick to my stomach just thinking about it." Jessica makes a sick face and holds her stomach. "I love all of my kids and I'd do it all over again if I had to.  But the fact that he knows exactly what I went through to bring our children into this world, and he still betrayed me.. nuh uh.  Fuck Him.  I had plenty of chances to cheat on him but I didn't because I love him!  What we have is special.  No one had a marriage like we have.. or had I guess.  Fuck this is all so stupid!" Jessica cries as she hits her fist into the bed.

"Well I guess I'll leave you alone."

"Thank you.  I would love nothing more!"

Gabriella rolls her eyes and leaves.
Jessica goes back to her tears, wine and music.


The next morning.

"Where's momma?" Isaiah asks.

"Probably in her room being a big baby." Gabriella answers.

"Jesus, Gabs! She's hurt, why are you such a bitch?"

"Well Zaya it's almost been two weeks! She should just call daddy and ask him to come back home."

"Are you serious? He broke mom's heart! You want her to just forgive him that easily?"

"He didn't mean it!"

"So? It still happened. Plus he hasn't even called."

"Because she's being mean to him!"

"Oh wow!"


"Nothing. Let me just go and find my mother."

"Oh my gosh! Mommy, Mommy, Mommy! Just climb out of her butt, Isaiah!"

Isaiah ignores his sister and walks out to the porch.

"Mom? Are you smoking?! Stop it!" Isaiah snatches it from her and puts the cigarette out.

"You don't smoke, mom!"

"I did a long time ago. It didn't do enough damage so I'm doing it again."

"Mom." Isaiah looks down to her.

"Zaya, I'm okay. Don't worry about me, baby."

"I can't help it. You're my mom.." He says sitting beside her.

Jessica smiles and pulls him close. "I love you, baby boy."

"I love you more."

"Not possible, little guy." Jessica chuckles and kisses the top of his head.

Just then Anastasia walks out.


"What is it?"

"Daddy tried calling you."

"My phone is inside."

"Call him back.." Anastasia said with a worried look in her eyes.

"Why? I don't want to."

"Mom please!"

"What's wrong?"

"Just call him!" Anastasia hands Jessica her cell phone.

Jessica takes the phone and quickly calls Danny.


"Danny? You sound horrible!"

"I know you don't want to talk to me, but I had to let you know."

"Let me know what?"

"I tested positive."

"What? But you.. you're vaccinated."

"They didn't say I absolutely could not get it, Jess. I just wanted to let you know since you were around me the other day."

"Oh my gosh." Jessica sighs deeply. "Are you okay?"

"I feel horrible, but I'll be fine."

"I uh.. if you need anything, Danny... Just call me."

"Thanks. You should get tested."

"I guess I should. Oh christ, the kids! The whole house could be in danger."

"Don't think about the bad. You could be okay."

A tear escapes Jessica's eyes. They tried so hard to keep this away from their family. But it wasn't enough.

Just then Danny started coughing horribly.


"I'm okay. Let me let you go. I promise you I'm okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I love you, Jessica."

Jessica bites the inside of her mouth. "Bye Danny."

Danny sighed and hung up.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now