Some things never change

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Jessica held the babies in her arms until her belly began cramping.

"You ready for me to take them?" Danny asks because he can tell Jessica was ready to deliver the after birth.

"Yeah, please."

"No problem.  Here, I'll take little Willow and one of you girls, could you take Emerson, please?"

"I've got him!" Anastasia jumps up.

"Thank you, baby." Jessica says handing him over.

"Oh my goodness look at you!  My newest little princess." Danny smiles down to Willow.

"I'm still your princess, daddy!" Anastasia pouts.

"Yes you are, baby girl." He chuckles.

Anastasia smiles then turns her attention back to the baby.

Meanwhile Jessica took deep breaths as her pains came back a little stronger.

Sunshine rubbed her swollen tummy as Jessica pulled her legs back.

"Alright sweetie, give me a light push."

Jessica pushed but nothing was happening.
Her contractions continued getting stronger.

"Why isn't it coming out?" Jessica whines.

"This happened to me once." Sarah says as Jessica gives her an evil glance.

"There was another baby in there! Please tell me there's not three!" Jessica cries.

"No, I'm looking on the ultrasound and there's nothing. Your placenta is stuck.. this isn't going to feel good but I'm going to have to go up and get it."

"No! Please don't!"

"Here Gabby, take her, please." Danny hands Willow over to her big sister and goes to Jessica's side.

"Please just let me push a few times." Jessica asks.

"Okay we'll try but if it's not out in five minutes I Have to go in. This is very dangerous, Jessica." Sunshine spoke very seriously.

"Okay." Jessica nodded and took Danny's hand.

Jessica grabbed Danny's hand and pushed as though there was a baby in there.

"Aunt Sarah, I'm scared." Gabriella said with tears in her eyes. She knows exactly how dangerous this is for her mother.

"They'll get it out, sweetie. Don't worry."

"Is gwamma pushing out another baby?!" Charlotte's eyes went wide.

"No sweetie, come sit with me." Anastasia says sitting down on the couch.

"Auntie Ana, the baby is so cute! I wanna play with him!"

Anastasia chuckles and smiles down to her baby brother.


"I can't do it, it's not coming out!" Jessica says in an exhausted voice.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now