Don't Mess With Me!

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"Jess, some of my beard is in this! *Gasp* MY EYEBROW!  What did you do?!"

"I didn't do anything!  You got into my shit!"

"I wanted to scare you!"


"Because It's funny!"

"Well you scared your kids."

"That's pretty fun too.." Danny says softly rubbing his cheek.

"I'm going to have places where my beard just isn't gonna grow anymore, I know it!"

"Oh my gosh!" Jessica rolls her eyes. "You're fine!"

"No, I'm not!  That was terrible!"


July 4th.

"Tomorrow's my due date!" Anastasia says as she walks into the kitchen.

"I know!  Baby Annabelle, are you ready to meet grandma?" Jessica says placing her hands on her daughter's belly, as she talks to the baby.

"I really don't feel like she is." Anastasia frowns.

"She's still pretty high up."

"Yeah, she is.  Man, can you even breathe?"


"Aw, my poor baby.  Hopefully she'll come soon!"

"I hope so!"

"I still can't believe you're having her at a birthing center!" Gabriella chimes in.

"You won't even have an option for an epidural!"

"Well obviously I have my reasons on why I'd want to go drug free.  Besides, I think I can do it!"

"You have Lange blood in you!  Of course you can do it!" Jessica smiles.

Anastasia smiles softly. "Thanks, momma."

"My baby!" Jessica hugs her daughter.

Just then Danny walks in. "Babydoll!"

"Yes?" Jessica turns to him.

"I have a present for you!" Danny smiles.

"What is it?"

"Open it, silly!"

"Oh it looks like it's a necklace!" Jessica squeals and takes the box from his hand. "Danny, you shouldn't have!"

"Well you're cute and you deserve this!"

"Aww!" Jessica opens the box with a smile on her face.

Danny covers his mouth as Jessica's smile fades.

"Oops.. better luck next time." She reads.

"Dumbass!" Jessica throws the box at him.

"Gotcha!" Danny laughs.

"That was so weak!  I'll buy my own shit!"

"That was low, dad.  You never joke around with jewelry." Gabriella says.

"It's just a start." Danny smirks as he walks away in a funny way.

"I have some tricks up my sleeve."

"You don't have shit."

"We'll see about that, won't we." He smiles.


Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now