Gampa Funny!

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"I cannot believe you turned my adorable little babies into flying monkeys!"

"We're cute monkeys, mommy!" Willow smiles.

"You are so adorable, I just can't believe they didn't give you a main part."

"Because they aren't apart of the original Huston kids." Anastasia says.

"Oh my gosh you horrible, horrible kids!  They are your brother and sister!"

"We bought them great costumes, mom." Gabriella says.

"Only because I asked!  Include them more!  I know they're sweeter than you so it's hard to believe you're related, but You Are!"

"Ahhhhh!" Baby Jessica runs in and hugs Jessica's legs.

"Well hello my little drama queen!"

"Daddy maked ma haiw!"

"Daddy maked your hair?  Well good job daddy!"

"Mom, don't call me that." Isaiah says.

Jessica laughs making her granddaughter giggle.

"Kishhhh!" She puckers.

"MUAH!  Oh such sweet kisses!"



"What, Emerson?"

"Daddy's looking for you."

"Tell him I'm busy."

"You're just holding the baby."

"I not BABY!"

"You tell him, Jess!" Jessica kisses her cheek and walks upstairs to find Danny.

"Yes, Danny?  Daniel!  Put some pants on I have our granddaughter!" Jessica covers her eyes.

Baby Jessica laughs and points at Danny.

Jessica laughs and pats the small child on her back.

"Sorry I was just looking at my hair.  Will you cut it for me?"


"Why not?"

"Because if I mess up you'll make fun of me." Jessica pouts.

"Jessica I look like shit."

"What's new?" Jessica smiles.

"You're a mean old woman.
  Cut my hairrrr!" Danny whines.

"Fine!  How much are you gonna pay me?"

"I'll pay you in sex."

Jessica fake gags. "What a rotten deal."

"Come on, I have all the stuff you need."

"You want me to do it right now?!"

"Yeah, come on!"

Jessica sighs and stands the baby on the ground.

Jessica fusses and reaches up for her grandmother.

"I'm right here, honey.  Grampy needs me to cut his hair."

"Hole yew!" She cries.

Jessica picks her up and holds her in her hip.

"Give her to me, you might mess up if you're holding her."

Jessica hands her over and the baby cries.

"Not yewwww!"

"You're just like your grandmother, aren't you?  Just sit with me for five minutes, okay?  Here, okay with my phone."


Jessica laughs and messes with Danny's hair.

"Honey, I'm not gonna lie.. I think you're sexy with this mop."

"You're lying."

"No I'm not!" Jessica laughs. "I like it."

"Oh.  Thanks." Danny smiles.

Jessica laughs and pulls his head back by his hair and kisses forehead.

"Alright!  Let me bless myself before I start this."

"I'm sure you won't do that bad.  You'll be okay."

Jessica takes a deep breath and begins cutting.


Baby Jessica sighs and throws Danny's phone on the ground.

"There goes my phone.  Are you finished?  My barber never takes this long."

"Well I'm not trained in this, Daniel!"

Baby Jessica climbs on Danny's lap and faces him.  She then points and laughs at Danny's hair.

Jessica sticks her finger in front of her lips and nods her head.

"Siwy!" She giggles.


"Yew haiw!"

"My hair is silly?"

"Well all down!" Jessica dusts his shoulders off.

Danny stands up and looks into the mirror.

"Let me take the baby so you don't hit me!"

"Oh my gosh!"

"I told you I wasn't trained!"

"I look like a lego head!"

"Danny, it's not that bad!" Jessica whines.

"No it's bad!"

"You're so rude!" Jessica storms off downstairs.
  Meanwhile little Jessica is still cracking up.

"Hey there you are!" Isaiah smiles to his daughter.

"Gampa funny!"

"What did grampy do?"

The small child just laughs.

"Kids, I did something to your father."

"Ewww.  Not in front of my child, mom!" Isaiah makes a face.

"Not that!  Daddy wanted me to cut his hair and.."

"Oh my gosh!" Anastasia laughs. "DAD COME DOWN!  LET US SEE!"

"NO!" Danny shouts.

"You guys I told him no but he wouldn't stop bugging me!  That's how you all are even here!  The man doesn't give up!"

"Oh gross!  Daddy, please come down!"

"Put your robe on first!" Jessica shouts.

Danny walks down and the kids laugh.

Danny makes a face. "You're all horrible!"

I've been working on my story "Teenage Dream" and "In secret".  But I will do my best to work more on this one🤗✨

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now