Team Huston: Complete

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"Okay, How are you feeling?  Are you having any pains?" Danny asks.

"No, I feel fine."

"Alright, I'm gonna go get the car!"

"Alright, baby."

Just as Danny leaves George comes over to see why everyone is getting up.

"Hey, what's going on in here?"

"My water broke so Danny's getting the car."

"Oh my gosh!  Why do you seem calm?"

"I don't know!  I'm kinda shocked right now." She chuckles.

"George, my body.. it'll never come back after this pregnancy." Jessica says looking down as she rubs her hand in a big circle on her belly.

"It barely came back from the last one!" George laughs as he pats her stomach.

"Thanks!" Jessica slaps his arm.

"I'm just playing.  I'm sure you'll be fine."

"I don't know- Ooh okay, here we go." Jessica grabs ahold of George's arm and places her hand on her belly.

George stays quiet until his sister's pain passes.

"You Alright?"

Jessica nods her head and releases her grip on him.

"Mom, let's start walking to the parking lot so we get there by the time dad pulls up." Isaiah says.


George and Isaiah help her up and everyone walks out to the parking lot to find Danny.

"Where are we going? Where's daddy?" Charlotte asks as Kenley drags her along.

"Daddy's on his way! The babies are coming, Charlie!"

"What?! Gwamma's having da babies! Gwamma's having the babies!"

Kenley laughs and picks her up and places her on her hip.

"I don't feel well.  I shouldn't have had those three hot dogs." Jessica holds her belly.

"Are you okay?"

Jessica nods her head No.
"I'm gonna throw up."

"Come on, there's a bathroom right over there.  Ana, come with me!"

The girls take their mother to the restroom.

"Let's go to the big stall!" Gabriella says holding Jessica by the arm.

Anastasia holds Jessica's hair back as she throws up.

"This is gross.  Geez mom, how much did you eat?!"

"Shut up!" Anastasia says squatting down and rubbing her mother's back.

"It's okay, momma.  Just ignore her."

"Oh God, I'm getting a contraction!" Jessica says in a painful voice.

Jessica begins moaning in pain as she rocks back and forth.

"Breathe, mom.  You're okay." Anastasia says in a soothing voice.

"Dammit I forgot how much this hurts.."

After she's finished the girls help her up.
Jessica looked so uncomfortable and everyone's eyes were on her.

"I just want to go home!" She whines.

"I know, momma.  We're taking you home, don't worry." Gabriella says.

Jessica cries a bit as they leave the restroom.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now