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The next morning.

"Are you going to be okay with Charlotte while I go to brunch with Sarah?"

"Of course! You and Grandpa are gonna have a fun day, aren't we, Charlie?"

"Yeah!!" Charlotte shouts.

Danny chuckles.
"We'll be fine, baby. You go and have fun."


Jessica hears Sarah's car door.
"Oh she's here! Bye, baby." Jessica places her hand on his cheek and kisses him softly.

"Bye bye, Charlie."

"Where you goin?"

"I'm gonna spend some time with Nana."

"My Nana?!" Her eyes widen.

"Yes your Nana!"

"Can I go too?"

"Hey what about me?!" Danny says.

"I go wit Nana and my Gamma!"

"Fine the I guess I'll go to the park all by myself!"

"NO! I go to da park too!"

"No, you want your old grandmothers!"

"No I want my old Gampa!"

"Thanks." Danny chuckles.

Jessica opens the door for Sarah and Charlotte runs to her.


"My Charlie Parley! How are you today, sweet girl?"

"I good! I go to da park wit gampa!"

"Oh how fun!"

Sarah smiles softly and takes a deep breath.
"You ready?" She asks in a low voice.

Jessica nods.

"You girls have fun and don't get into too much trouble."

"Alright." Jessica gives him a soft smile.

"Be careful."


Jessica sat in the car on the way to the doctor and cried.

"Jessica, it's gonna be okay." Sarah reaches over and rubs her back.

"No it's not. I know it's back! My boobs hurt, I threw up a few times, my appetite is gone.. this is exactly how I felt the last time."

"Maybe you're pregnant." Sarah chuckles.

Jessica gives her a look that could kill.
"This really isn't funny, Sarah. It's not that type of sickness.. it's different."

"I'm sorry.. I was just trying-"

"I know."


Danny's POV.

"I running faster than you, Gampa!"

"I'm gonna get you, Charlie! Just wait!"

"NOOOO!" She says in a high pitches scream as her little legs go faster and faster.

"Got you! You can't out run me!"

"You gotted Me!"

"I did!"

Charlotte cracks up laughs in her grandfather's arms.

"Okay no more playing I gots to get ice cweam!"

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now