A quick introduction

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"I love you"


"I love you"


"I love you", she was shouting this time.

Eric came closer to her ear and said, "I love you too" and gently kissed her cheek.

She blushed.

It's not their first time saying I love you to each other but every time it happens Anne can feel butterflies.

They both are opposite I guess that's the reason they are together because opposite attracts. (Anyways leave my philosophy, it's boring).

Anne is our main lead. She is a cheerful girl. She is a very simple girl,  who is in high school, she studies and does part-time for some extra pocket money. 

Eric is the most handsome boy she ever encountered.  For her, it was like love at first sight.  She met him when she was seventeen. He is her first love. She follows the rule of suppressing her feelings. Though she likes him she is not the type of girl who can take initiative. She is shy but this is something that makes her more adorable.

Eric is popular among girls. He has a history of dating many girls. He is something like a Prince Charming to every girl.  He is handsome and good at studies and in sports too.

Will they be together? If yes then how long it will last?

So, get ready to feel love again. See you in the next chapter.

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