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"I had earned my first income, Anne."He said while showing her the 40 dollars that they just received. "But you have to buy in the budget". He winked.

Anne nodded and they went in. She was trying on some earrings and finally, they selected two.

"You saved my money, I am left with some."

"You can buy me some food." She said while smiling.

"I'll use them well." She said while keeping the earrings in her sling bag.

It was very special for both of them. It was the first gift that Eric gave to Anne.

Eric came with Anne to do the shopping and he offered her to buy something which she refused saying," I'll buy when you start earning yourself."

He was rich but today he feels rich. Anne always keeps money matters different, "So what we are dating, love is love and money is money."

"I'll take all the money that you earn and only give you pocket money Mr. Eric Davis and you have to give me details at the end of the month-end." He was remembering all the silly things that she said before. 

They were waiting for their pizza, Anne was smiling like an idiot. They were not talking, just looking into each other's eyes, blushings, and holding their hands. Love was in the air. 

"Anne, I want a return gift," Eric said.

Anne drops her eyes while biting her lower lip. 

"Don't do that, you are ruining my appetite for pizza."

He never fails in giving her butterflies.

They had their pizza and were on the way back to her room. 

But he suddenly takes a different route.

"Where are we going, Eric? "

"At my place? "


"Because I am not allowed at your place."

"But Ava.... "

"She is with Nathan. "

"How do you know?"

"I asked him for a night out and he ditched me. "He said while smiling and suddenly his smile changed into a smirk "Someone needs to give me the return gift."

Anne got goosebumps all over her body,  she said while shivering, "Drop me at my place. I am not.... coming with you. "

"Really," Eric said while raising his eyebrow. 

He suddenly stopped the car.

"But we are already here and now I'm not letting you go."

Anne looked outside, they were in front of his building.

"It's okay I can take a cab."

"Are you coming in with your own feet or do you want me to lift you? "

Eric parked the car and they came out. Eric was giving her dirty looks from the basement to his condo.

"Open the door, Anne."

Anne looked at him. "You have keys right baby? "

Anne nodded and opened it.

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