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"I know he is right but I don't want to admit it. Nothing can change the fact that I was needy for Bob, I liked it at first." That thought was killing her. 

"Eric I want to tell you something, it's a confession." 

He nodded his head without looking at Anne.

"I was..... I...... Bob...." Before she could complete her mother entered.

"Eric we should leave now, I can not thank you enough for whatever you have done. Anne is so blessed to have you." Her mother said with teary eyes.

"Mrs. Ema you are embarrassing me."

"You can call me Aunt please don't be formal."

Eric nodded his head and said, "Aunt please stay for the night, it is already 1 PM."

"We don't want to trouble you more, you have done more than enough."

"Please stay for the night, I insist," Eric said with his puppy face which her mother also cannot resist. Anne smiled at his victory. But soon realized that this is not right, "No, Eric mom is right, we should leave now."

"You are not going anywhere and that's final, aunt doesn't have any problem then why are you hurrying?" He said and held her hand and tugged her in the bed, "Sleep okay", he said while kissing her forehead.

"Aunt Ema, these are the medicines that we need to apply on her wounds," he said while giving her mom some ointment, "I'll sleep in the next room with Uncle.... If he doesn't mind."

"Why would he? Are you comfortable with him sleeping next to you?" Her mom asked.

He nodded and said, " I'll bring extra blankets and I have one folding bed, Ava could use it." He said with a smile.

She kept on crying while applying ointment to each of her bruises, "I'll kill him with my bare hands", she said under her breath.

Anne decided to ignore it. 

Anne, her mom and Ava slept in his bedroom, and her dad and Eric slept in the other room. 

"Ava, do you know where my phone is?" Anne asked.

She nodded and took it out from her bag. She didn't ask her how she got it, maybe the cops had given her that or maybe she picked it up when she came to rescue her.

It was switched off, she put it on the charger and closed her eyes while hugging her mother. She was not sleepy but this was the best way to avoid the questions that her mother could have asked her.

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