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When happy days pass very quickly, the same happens with our love birds as well.

They watched movies together, went for a walk and made food together. But finally, the day comes when Eric has to go back. Anne was not leaving his side for even a single minute.

"Take me with you", Anne said childishly.

" I'll come back soon, Princess," Eric said, touching her cheeks.

"I miss you so much when you go."

"I missed you more."

"Don't go then."

"Okay", Eric said and pulled Anne into bed with her. He hugged her tightly. " Let's just stay like this forever."

After fifteen minutes Anne said, "Get ready you need to go."

"I am not going anywhere."

"Why so?"

"Because my Princess doesn't want me to leave her side."

"Stop being so lovey-dovey, you have to go, study hard, and don't let other girls steal what is mine. Tell every single girl you meet that you are committed to me." Anne said while looking at his face. "Why are you so handsome? I think you should cut your hair, not get bald then no one will check out on you. Start wearing glasses, become a nerd Eric."

"Okay, anything else doll," Eric asked playfully.

"Baby, get a tattoo of my name so that everyone in this world knows that you are already booked by me by Anne." 

Eric cracked up.

"I am serious, why are you laughing?"

"You and your mood swings, first you say that I should not go and now you want me to go back as a nerd and get some tattoos," He said mischievously. "I think the idea of a tattoo is not bad. Where should I get one?"Eric asked. while pulling her closer to him.

" What do you think you are doing Mr. Eric Davis?"

"I'm.... ", he kissed her before completing his sentence. "I'm keeping you close." He said while breaking the kiss but soon pulled her in again.

Soon it was 12:30 am and Eric flight was at 3 am

Anne wanted to drop Eric at the airport but it was late so Eric dropped her at her dorm. They booked a cab. They were hugging each other, feeling each other embrace, giving each other small kisses till Anne's dorm arrived, and they said a final goodbye to each other. (Anne barely holds her tears.) He then left for the airport.

A week has passed, they adjusted themselves back in a long-distance relationship.

Eric started giving private tuition to some school kids. After all, he too has to manage his expenses now. 

'Kids are a headache'. He said under his breath. 

He did not tell Anne about his part-time work.

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