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They were doing good together. Days passed into weeks and weeks in months. It's been 2 months since they started dating.

They came to watch a movie. The movie was about to start. However, Eric was not much into animation but Anne loved it so they were watching ' Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween '.

"She is such a kid. Her eyes are fixed on the screen and she is holding my hands. Oh my God! Her hand is so small and it looks so good in my hand. She is looking pretty. Everything about her is beautiful. Wait, did she just catch me watching her, what should I do?" He smiled at her like an idiot and then started looking at the screen."

"His hands are warm. Is it even real? What if I'm dreaming? Anne Anne Anne, you are dating him. He is so handsome. Black suits him. Wait..... What? Was he staring at me? Was I eating too much popcorn? Yaah Anne, you should not be eating like a pig. What will he think about me now? Why do I have to embarrass myself like this?" She looked at him and he was giving him a warm smile. She smiled back and shifted her gaze fastly from him to screen again.

The movie started but they both were silently looking at each other.

They left the theater when the movie ended. The atmosphere was quiet but Eric broke it by asking, "Do you want some ice cream?"

Anne nodded with a smile.

While eating ice cream they were walking still holding their hands. Their hands were sweating but who cares? Love is in the air.

"Anne, I love you," Eric said out of the blue.

"I love you too"

They were looking into each other's eyes. The atmosphere became tense.

Eric was coming near her.

Anne's breath was not constant, she was breathing heavily. Her eyes were not leaving his eyes. Her heart was pounding madly. "Is this going to happen? My first kiss. What should I do? I am so confused. Should I run away? No. Anne, don't you want to kiss him? Of course, I want to but what if I messed up? Why is he looking at my lips? His gaze is intimidating," Anne thought, she closed her eyes for a second and then opened them again .

He could hear her heartbeat. They were standing very close. "I want to kiss her. Her eyes are so shiny, her lips I just want to kiss her very badly. Should I just kiss her? What if she doesn't like it? I know it's her first kiss. I want to make it memorable for her but what if I am pushing her. My eyes were still on her lips.

I again look into her eyes, she looks confused but beautiful. **ck it. I am going to kiss her." Eric thought.

He placed another hand at her neck caressing her lips with his thumb. He looked into her eyes deeply and she trembled under his touch. He could feel her goosebumps. He looked at her lips and then at her eyes and she nodded slightly. The gap between their faces has started reducing. She closed her eyes.

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