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" I didn't mean to ruin your surprise but I was curious what was in your bag and.... "

"Ruin my surprise??? What are you talking about?"

"Your lingerie and those condoms and lube", he said while pointing towards the sofa. 

"They are not mine Eric. "

"But it was in this bag." He said while grabbing the bag from the table. 

"I never buy any of these...... Wait......Ava that bitch", she said cursing under her breath.

Meanwhile Ava-

She bites her tongue. 

"Oucchhh" she said while palming her jawline.

"Anne found her gift." She said while laughing in pain. 

"What do you think? Should we use them?" Eric said.

Anne's face turned into the darkest shade of red.

"I think I should go back," Anne said while moving toward the door. 

"I don't think so," Eric said while grabbing her from her waist. 

They were looking into each other's eyes.

Just like two opposite sides of magnets attract each other, their lips were feeling attraction toward each other. They closed their eyes and started kissing each other, their smiles can be seen in between kisses. Anne hung her hands on Eric's neck and she was on her toes as Eric was taller than her. Eric grabbed her by her butt and made her sit on the dining table. 

They break their kiss to get some air. Both of them were breathing heavily, their foreheads were attached. Their eyes were full of love and their lips had the brightest smile.

"Shall we continue this in the bedroom? " Eric asked. 

Anne nodded shyly.

"I want to see you in this," Eric said in a naughty tone while pointing at the lingerie.

Anne was already breathing heavily but at this point, her breathing stopped. Her heart skipped a beat. After a few seconds of silence, Anne nodded. 

She steps down from the dining table and takes her steps toward the sofa. She picked up the lingerie and went to Eric's room, Eric followed her like a lovesick puppy but soon she entered his bathroom and shut the door with a loud thud. 

Soon she came out. A towel was wrapped around her body. Eric came close to her, she looked at him but soon dropped her eyes. Eric held her chin as gently as he could and made her look into his eyes. Her breath was uneven. Her heart was beating so fast that even Eric could hear that. 

She drops the towel revealing her beautiful white skin covered with red lingerie.

Eric still was looking into her eyes. They maintain eye contact for a few minutes until Anne drops her eyes again.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Eric asked while holding her hands. 

Anne nodded.

"First time is always very special, I'll try my best to be as gentle as possible."

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