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The next day they both took off from school and visited the hospital. The doctor gave Ava the pregnancy strip to check and Anne was waiting for her outside.

The hospital was really big and the gynecologist department was right in front of the orthopedic one and suddenly she noticed Oliver coming out from one of the cabins. She ran to him and called his name.


"Anne, what are you doing here? "

"What am I doing here? Why did you block my number? I was trying to reach you," she replied in anger.

"Where is Ava? "

"She is with a gynecologist".

"See Anne I had nothing to do with her and that is not even my child. She is just framing me. She is such a slut, she slept with someone.... "

Before he could finish Anne slapped him hard.

"You are such a coward and I regret having a friend like you. You don't deserve her and you don't deserve to be a father. Now get lost before I do something that makes me more regretful".

Without wasting any more time he runs away from there. She came back to the gynecologist section again and tears were not leaving her eyes. She was feeling bad for Ava. A guy came near her and gave her a handkerchief. She was so messed up that she didn't even look up. She accepted it and started sobbing silently after some time Ava came out and asked her to come in.

She went in with her. The doctor said that the pregnancy strip is telling that Ava is not pregnant but let us do an ultrasound for a more precise result. They both nodded.

"You are not pregnant but what I can see is that your ovaries are enlarged and you have PCOS".

They both signed in relief.

After coming back from the hospital Ava started to cry. She was really scared and disappointed. What disappointed her most was the behavior of Oliver. Anne told her what happened in the hospital when she met Oliver.

"How can I trust such a person? He is awful and I was so blinded by love."

Finally, everything came back to its place except Anne's friendship and Ava's relationship with Oliver ended.

Anne was about to sleep and suddenly she saw that handkerchief again. A smile appeared on her face. "Thank you, however, I don't know you but still thank you," Anne drifted to sleep.

Meanwhile, Eric was lying down on his bed when he began to remember what happened today. 

He was sitting in the orthopedic department waiting for his turn when he first saw her. Her black long hairs, the mole on her left cheek. She looked so innocent and she was talking to someone. Who is he? Maybe her brother or a friend or maybe-boyfriend and suddenly she slapped him. He was shocked. What just happened? The guy moves out and she goes to the gynecologist section. Her head was hung down. He noticed her tears and went near her and gave her his handkerchief. Her head was still down and he wanted to console her but he had to leave her cause the nurse called his name meant his turn had come. Why was he feeling this way?

" I don't even know you, but I hope you are okay. I wish I could meet you again," Eric said.

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